This is a Python 3.8 script that permits to encode molecules as molecular graph and compare the connectivity of two molecules.
This program used a python3 interface, to run this code you must install on your machine this list of packages:
0 - Import the required packages
import networkx as nx
from ase import io, neighborlist, atoms
1 - Function that encode the molecule from the Euclidean space (.xyz) to the corrisponding graph structure, and you will call it in the main of the code.
def FromXYZtoGraph(input_file):
atoms = ['H','He','Li','C','N','O','F','Na','Si','P','S','Cl']
atomic_numb = [1,2,3,6,7,8,9,11,14,15,16,17]
mol =
#compute neighbor of the atoms in xyz format
cutOff = neighborlist.natural_cutoffs(mol)
neighborList = neighborlist.NeighborList(cutOff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
#compure adjacency matrix and atoms list
adj_matrix = neighborList.get_connectivity_matrix(sparse=False)
Natom_list = mol.get_atomic_numbers()
atoms_list = []
for i,item in enumerate(Natom_list):
for k in range(len(atomic_numb)):
if item == atomic_numb[k]:
#convert in networkx-molecules graph
for i,item in enumerate(atoms_list):
tmp_attr = {'atom': item}
2 - Code main: computing the isomorphism between two molecular graph object.
2.1 - Encode the molecoles from .xyz to graph molecule objects, modify the path (example "pathToMolecules/") where your .xyz is locate.
mol_0 = FromXYZtoGraph(pathToMolecules/
mol_1 = FromXYZtoGraph(pathToMolecules/
2.2 - Run the function to control the isomorphism between the two molecules
prop = 'atom'
nm = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match(prop,prop)
if nx.is_isomorphic(mol0,mol_1,node_match=nm):
print('Are isomorphic!')
print('Are NOT isomorphic!')
Please reffer to the following publication to cite our work or retrieve the info:
This project has received funding within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie for the project ”Astro-Chemical Origins” (ACO), grant agreement No 811312.