- Download and configure nodejs if not yet
- Download the script
- Extract it to a directory
- Replace the token of the bot, the target server ID and your account ID in the code, in the 'configs' variable
- Install the discord.js library in this path:
user@user:~/path/of/script$ npm install discord.js@11 --save
- Launch the script:
user@user:~/path/of/file$ node v3.js
- Nothing happens: Verify the bot has permissions in the target server. If not, you know why it doesn't work
- Got an error when login client: Did you changed the token bythe bot's token ?
- Got some errors when trying to executing functions: Did you changed the server ID etc... by the real values ?
Thank you to use our application and have trust in us ! Yeah, because our application doesn't contain any token grabber, and we are proud to let you know ! 🙂 ❤