GPTFactory is an all-in-one pipeline that collects data from ChatGPT models. You can use it to easily make data from OpenAI ChatGPT models! It currently support some awesome features:
- 🚀 Collecting data with multi-threads and multi APIs without extra code.
- 🚀 Smartly assign APIs to threads for workload balance.
- 🚀 Support the new GPT4-Vision model for image input.
- 🚀 Limitation Checker that controls your API usage under the limitation and maximize efficiency.
- 🚀 Easily resume task from checkpoint if it is interupted.
- v0.2.0: use concurrent as multithreading backend; use rich to log.
- v0.1.1: fix hyperparameter bugs
- v0.1.0: Support input few-shot examples
- v0.0.1: Release GPTFactory
git clone
pip install .
from GPTFactory import GPT
chatbot = GPT(model='gpt-3.5-turbo',service='oai',api_key=YOUR_API_KEY,end_point=YOUR_END_POINT)
prompt = 'hello'
output = chatbot.complete(prompt)
from GPTFactory import GPT
chatbot = GPT(model='gpt-4-vision-preview',service='azure',api_key=YOUR_API_KEY,end_point=YOUR_END_POINT)
prompt = 'describe this image <img1>, and describe this image too <img2>.'
images = {"img1":'./img1.jpg',"img2":'./img2.jpg'}
output = chatbot.complete(prompt,images)
from GPTFactory import GPT
chatbot = GPT(model='gpt-4-vision-preview',service='azure',api_key=YOUR_API_KEY,end_point=YOUR_END_POINT)
prompt = [
"role": "user",
"content": "<img1>describe this image."
"role": "assistant",
"content": "There is a dog in the image."
"role": "user",
"content": "<img2>describe this image too."
images = {"img1":'./img1.jpg',"img2":'./img2.jpg'}
output = chatbot.complete(prompt,images)
You can process a batch of inputs using multi threads and APIs with one simple method run_task
import json
import jsonlines
from GPTFactory.factory import smart_build_factory
import os
DATA_ROOT = r"benchmark\MME"
with, "mme.jsonl")) as reader:
data = [item for item in reader]
with open(r'api.json', 'r') as f:
api_info = json.load(f)
api_info = [{"api_key":"xxx","end_point":"xxx","tpm":800,"rpm":10},{"api_key":"xxx","end_point":"xxx","tpm":800,"rpm":10}], where tpm and rpm are the token_per_minute and request_per_minute limitation of each API
worker_per_api = 2
factory = smart_build_factory(api_info,model='gpt-4-vision-preview',worker_num=worker_per_api*len(api_info),detail="high")
inputs = []
for idx,job in enumerate(data):
imagename = job['image']
img = os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, imagename)
question = job['text']
prompt = f"<img>{question}"
img_dict = {"img":img}
raw_results = factory.run_task(inputs,save_path=r'ckpts\mme',save_step=500,save_total_limit=2)
results = []
for item in raw_results:
idx =
question_id = data[idx]['question_id']
prompt = data[idx]['text']
text = item.response
results.append({"question_id":question_id, "prompt":prompt, "text":text})
with, "gpt4v-high_raw_answer.jsonl"), "w") as writer:
We also support a more flexible operation style for the factory.
import json
from GPTFactory.factory import smart_build_factory
import os
with open(r'api.json', 'r') as f:
api_info = json.load(f)
api_info = [{"api_key":"xxx","end_point":"xxx","tpm":800,"rpm":10},{"api_key":"xxx","end_point":"xxx","tpm":800,"rpm":10}], where tpm and rpm are the token_per_minute and request_per_minute limitation of each API
worker_per_api = 2
factory = smart_build_factory(api_info,model='gpt-3.5-turbo',worker_num=worker_per_api*len(api_info),detail="high")
output = factory.get()