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Thomas T. Jarløv edited this page Aug 7, 2018 · 1 revision

OwnTracks allows you to keep track of your own location. OwnTracks is open-source and uses open protocols for communication so you can be sure your data stays secure and private.


You need to have a device, which uses Owntracks. The easiest way is to install the mobile app.

Setting up the connection

On your mobile app go to Settings->Connection and set the following options:

Mode = Private MQTT

Host->Host = Your IP where you are listening with your MQTT broker
Host->Port = The port your MQTT broker listens on
Hots->Websockets = Set to off

Identification->Authentication = Set to on
Identification->Username = Use a the one choosen for Owntrack user in your MQTT settings
Identification->Password = Use a the one choosen for Owntrack user in your MQTT settings
Identification->Device ID = Use a short identifier with no spaces. E.g. `nimphone`
Identification->Tracker ID = Use a short identifier with no spaces. E.g. `ni` 

And save


Waypoints is like a geo-fence. It's an area - a place with a specified radius. The waypoints will be shown in your Google Map as areas.

You can add the waypoints from you mobile app. Go to "Regions". Inside the regions you can add the waypoints. After adding the waypoints, hit the 3 small dots in the top right cornor and click "Publish waypoints".

NimHA interface

If there's any Owntracks location data available, a Google Map will be shown on your dashboard. If you have published any waypoints, these will also be shown. You can delete waypoints, location history and Owntrack devices from the Owntracks page.

Google Maps

See the wiki page about Google Maps.