Feature-packed AuctionHouse plugin for PocketMine-MP
AuctionHouse allows players to list their items for sale and purchase items that others have listed for sale
- Chest GUI
- Admin tools
- Categories
- Config (See below)
- Multi-lang support
- Cancel listings
- Listing cooldown
- Custom events
- Economy plugin support
- MySQL and SQLite database support
- Custom listings limit per player (See permissions)
- Customizable messages
Download the plugin from Poggit or GitHub releases
Click to open
config-version: 5
# Sets the prefix for this plugin.
prefix: "[&l&6Auction House&r]"
# Minimum price required to create a listing
min-price: 0
# Maximum price a listing can have (-1 = No limit)
max-price: -1
# Sets the default language for the plugin, you can edit text and messages in this file.
default-language: en_US
# Sets the amount of hours a listing is active before being automatically cancelled and expired.
expire-interval: 48
# Sets the price it costs to list an item on the auction house.
listing-price: 0
# Sets a cooldown between listing items in seconds
listing-cooldown: 0
# Allows or blocks players in creative mode from selling items.
creative-sale: false
# Maximum amount of listings a player can have by default
max-listings: 45
# Shows item lore on the auction house
show-lore: true
# Days to automatically delete expired listings (-1 to disable)
expired-duration: 15
# Formats price with commas (ex. 1,000,000)
price-formatted: true
# Items that cannot be listed on the auction. Refer to https://minecraftitemids.com/ or https://minecraft-ids.grahamedgecombe.com/ for a list of item ids.
- '1000' # Example items
- '1234:5'
- 'minecraft:air'
# AH sign triggers
- "[AuctionHouse]"
- "[AH]"
# Menu button items
stats: "minecraft:chest"
back: "minecraft:paper"
previous: "minecraft:paper"
next: "minecraft:paper"
info: "minecraft:book"
howto: "minecraft:emerald"
return_all: "minecraft:redstone_block"
player_listings: "minecraft:diamond"
expired_listings: "minecraft:poisonous_potato"
admin_menu: "minecraft:redstone"
confirm_purchase: "minecraft:stained_glass_pane:5"
cancel_purchase: "minecraft:stained_glass_pane:14"
Command | Description |
/ah | AuctionHouse main command, opens the shop menu if there are no specified parameters |
/ah shop | Opens the shop menu |
/ah sell [price] | Allows player to list items in their hand on the auction house. [price] is the amount that the player is listing the item to sell for |
/ah listings | Shows all active listings of the player |
/ah listings [player] | Shows all active listings of a specific player |
/ah category | Opens category menu |
/ah admin | Opens the AuctionHouse admin menu (OP Command) |
/ah reload | Allows player to reload configuration files (OP command) |
/ah about | Shows AuctionHouse version the server is running |
Event | Description |
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\AuctionStartEvent | Called when an auction is started |
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\AuctionEndEvent | Called when an auction has ended |
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\ItemListedEvent | Called when an item is listed by player (cancellable) |
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\ItemPurchasedEvent | Called when an item is purchased by player (cancellable) |
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\MenuCloseEvent | Called when a menu is closed by player |
You can contribute to this project by creating or modifying a language file and opening a PR!
- Shock95x (English)
- ipad54 (Russian)
- No4NaMe (Russian)
- Unickorn (German)
- Chaosfelix4451#0157 (German)
- xAliTura01 (Turkish)
- NotEnriko (Indonesian)
- InvMenu (Muqsit)
- libasynql (SOFe)
- await-generator (SOFe)
- Commando (CortexPE)
- UpdateNotifier (Ifera)