Releases: TheTrunk/zcash-swing-wallet
macOS dmg
Windows Installer
This version of windows installer does not require preinstalled java and installs into AppData/Local. Contains 1.1.2 zcash binaries. Private transactions are working
MD5: 4d4cc75b1dd61b0bfce58b9c73da1e93
MacOS dmg file
MacOS dmg installer for Zcash Swing Wallet.
Previous release had broken icon.
This is just an icon fix release.
MacOS dmg file
MacOS dmg installer for Zcash Swing Wallet.
!!! Needs more testing !!!
MD5: 7602266aa6599a9d191ca39043e7e551
Windows Installer
This version of windows installer does not require preinstalled java and installs into AppData/Local.
MD5: 4d4cc75b1dd61b0bfce58b9c73da1e93
Linux deb package
ZCash Linux installer 64bit
Java is required and will be automatically installed.
Zcash is needed to be installed - follow:
Download and install via terminal by running
sudo dpkg -i zcashswingwallet_1.0.0_amd64.deb
Launch Zcash swing wallet via applications or in terminal by
#Installing via apt
echo 'deb all main' | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list.d/thetrunk.list
gpg --keyserver --recv 69FAF6DE41B8AC51
gpg --export 69FAF6DE41B8AC51| sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zcashswingwallet
Windows installer release
Windows installer release!
Install and launch Zcash Swing Wallet with ease
Java is required to be installed otherwise Zcash will close. Please install java prior running Zcash Swing Wallet:
MD5: 40c2be337d248f9af90250196789a566
0.82.9 ZCash
My first BETA release of a Zcash Swing Wallet. This is a simple port from ZENCash Swing Wallet with up to date ZCash binaries version 1.1.1 in case of Linux and 1.1.0 in case of Windows and Mac.
Prereq: Zcash proving keys must be present as well as zcash.conf file.