A script to scrape words off a production website and spellcheck them all. Because your site is already in production, and we don't really spellcheck pages when we write them in a code editor, do we?
python scrape_n_spell.py http://www.example.com/page-to-spellcheck OUTPUTFILENAME.TXT
Where "http://www.example.com/page-to-spellcheck" is the web page you want to spell check, and "OUTPUTFILENAME.TXT" is the name of the text file where you want the results to be recorded.
- Designed for use on Linux-type command line systems.
- Requires "lynx" command to be available at the command line.
- Uses the "Enchant" spellchecker library. https://www.abisource.com/projects/enchant/
- Uses "pyenchant", a Python integration of Enchant. https://github.com/rfk/pyenchant
pip install pyenchant
apt-get install lynx
(Ubuntu / Debian)
yum install lynx
(Red Hat / CENTOS)
brew install lynx
(use the package manager available to you)