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^ ^ | The GNU/NekOS Project
=UwU= | Founded and maintained by NekoMimiOfficial
w w | Licensed by the Apache2 license (LICENSE)
NekOS is a Debian Based Linux distribution aimed to be user-friendly
Like OpenSUSE and NIX, NekOS includes many features that facilitate tasks such as a graphical package manager, simple yet featureful settings application, development assistant and many more (FEATURES.md)
NekOS isnt just a distro for the NekoExperience Desktop Environment, it includes many tweaks that make it a non standard yet debian compatible distro to keep the debian package compatibility (plus debian repositiories)
many o those tweaks include custom NekOS apps built using the NTK, optional downloadable (opt-in) AI features (locally hosted), system level phone integration and some kernel patches (NekoKernel)
Feel free to contact me or follow me in any possible platform!
Service | ID |
Discord | nekomimiofficial |
Telegram | @NekoMimiOfficial |
Mastodon | @[email protected] or @[email protected] |
Bluesky | @nekomimi.tilde.team |
Misskey | @[email protected] |
PSN | NekoMimiOfficial |
[email protected] |
Feel free to submit a bug or a feature request in any way possible (preferably right here on GH)
Wanna hang out on Discord or ask for support? Join the lab!
Neko's Lab -> invite