Phonegap/Cordova plugin wrapper for Android SDK (
- Create PhoneGap app
phonegap local build android
phonegap local plugin add
phonegap local build android
document.addEventListener("deviceready", startBeaconScans, false);
function startBeaconScans() {
iBeaconGap.getBeacons(gotBeacons, failedGettingBeacons);
function gotBeacons(beacons) {
for(var i=0; i<beacons.length;i++) {
var thisBeacon = beacons[i];
function failedGettingBeacon(err) {
Either begins scanning or resumes scanning (if you were scanning before)iBeaconGap.stopScanning()
Stops scanning for iBeaconsiBeaconGap.getBeacons(win, fail)
Returns current array of iBeacons to the 'win' callback