Steps to get this GT Event Application up and running:
Step 1: Download this repository into an empty folder (you probably want to name it eventbuzz
or something along those lines).
Step 2: Go to that folder via command line (I used GitBash for Windows) and type npm install
. Make sure everything successfully installs.
Step 3: Type bower install
. Enter. Make sure everything installs successfully.
Step 4: To start the server enter grunt
and hit enter. Hurray! The server should be up. Your console should be saying something like "Running 'watch' task. Waiting..."
Step 5: Navigate in your favorite browser to localhost:3000
Step 6: Make sure the event page comes up.
Hopefully all these steps work. I may have forgotten one or two things because I went about this in a slightly different way. If that is the case, let me know.