This is an online questionnaire system which was, until now, a private personal project.
However, I am struggling with some issues and would like to invite potential contributors to solve it.
Online Questionnaire System (OQS) is an open-source examination management System that aims to create a simple yet feature-rich and robust means of testing and examining students.
All Technologies use their latest version (not LTS).
Here are the basic (functional) requirements that I intend to integrate into the website: -
- There are 4 types of users who should be able to access the website:
- Admin -> Has unsrestricted access to the website.
- Teacher / Educator -> Can create, edit and delete questions and choices created by them.
- Student -> Can only view question and select choices.
- Guest -> Can view every question, but not edit or update anything. They can also not view any choices.
- Every question can have at max 5 choices, out of which only one will be true.
- Every question can belong to more than one category. One category can also have multiple questions.
- A teacher can create a question_set which will consist of a set of questions in a single place. One teacher can create multiple question_sets.
Planned Features: -
- Sessions and cookies
- Option to send a pdf of a student's score card to their email after they complete a test.
- Generate a PDF of all the scorecards of a student for a particular month, year, academic-session, etc.
Note: I am looking for long-term teammates for this project, since I intend to keep this project around, even after Hacktoberfest.
Please have a look at CONTRIBUTING Guidelines if you would like to contribute.
Please follow the CODE OF CONDUCT for contributing .
Have a look at Project setup in order to see how to set everything up and get it running.