In this world of constantly moving forward, and tailoring your resume for new jobs, the task of making a new resume should be easy, and scalable.
Using MERN Stack and Bash Scripting, alongside some basic LaTeX, I wish to make it easy to make a new resume.
Front-end online at:
Back-end online at:
Back-end docker image:
Made Using:
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- Docker
- LaTeX
- server.js: Main Server
- Dockerfile: Image that runs on, installs all npm dependencies and texlive to compile LaTeX to PDFs.
- controllers
- resumeController.js: All operations regarding Resumes:
- getAllResumes()
- getResume()
- createResume()
- deleteResume()
- updateResume()
- converPDF()
- resumeController.js: All operations regarding Resumes:
- models
- resumeModel.js: Predefined model for the resume, talks with MongoDB
- routes
- corsConnections.js: Allows only certain addresses to access the backend
- resumes.js: Assigining html redirects to resumeController functions
- src
- routes.tsx: Handles website-side redirects pretty smoothly.
- components:
- design: Unchanging and Parent files.
- ErrorPage.tsx
- Home.tsx
- LayoutCreate.tsx
- LayoutEdit.tsx
- Navbar.tsx
- pages
- create-pages: specifically for ~/resume/create
- specific-pages: children of GenericPages, made for specific resume components
- GenericDescriptionField.tsx
- GenericField.tsx
- GenericPage.tsx
- ImportComponent.tsx
- ResumeComponentList.tsx
- ResumeComponents.tsx
- edit-pages: specifically for ~/resume/edit
- ResumeCard.tsx
- ResumeCardSekeleton.tsx
- ResumeContainer.tsx
- ResumeDetails.tsx
- ResumeDetailSekeleton.tsx
- ResumeList.tsx
- LatexPDF.tsx
- create-pages: specifically for ~/resume/create
- design: Unchanging and Parent files.
- context: Stores and works with local instance of a resume object, specifically when a user is creating a resume, as that must be stored in website cache unless refreshed or pushed
- ResumeContext.tsx: Creating Resume Context, with proper functions.
- useResume.ts: context hook for local components to use.
- hooks: Extends resumeService.ts, includes:
- deleteResumes(string)
- getComponent(string, string)
- getResume(string)
- getResumes()
- usePDF(string, string)
- latex: Folder that contains files which convert json objects to LaTeX code.
- apiClient.ts: Links to the backend API and calls resumeController functions as per need.
- resumeService.ts: Extends apiClient.ts specifically for route ~/api/resume
- src