Lightweight web application that sends you SMS prompts to sample your happiness, and records your response.
First you need to authenticate your phone number with Twilio in order to be able to receive text messages from our automated system. Contact @tlau to set this up if you're interested.
Then you can visit to send yourself a sample prompt. There is a URL on that page you can copy and use with cron (or similar) to automatically trigger sending of a prompt.
The system will send you a text message asking you how happy you are. Reply to it with a number from 1-10 and this value will get recorded in our system along with the timestamp.
The web page also shows the log of past prompts and responses. There is also a REST API that can be queried to retrieve past history in JSON format.
The system is using Twilio in the back end to send and receive text messages. @tlau has an account, which is what is being used on the public deployment; if you use it, contributions to defray Twilio expenses are welcome. You can also run your own server against your own Twilio account; plug in your account details in server/methods.js.
The website is built using Meteor.js and deployed/hosted on Meteor's servers. The data is stored in a MongoDB instance running on the Meteor deployment. Meteor provides this hosting service on an as-is, unsupported basis. We should probably back up the database and/or move the server to a production hosting service if it proves useful.