Rerelease to hopefully get the readme showing up on NPM as it should. No changes have been made from v3.0.0.
- BREAKING CHANGE - The minimum compatible Node.js version is now Node.js v17.0.0. This is due to the requirement of the structuredClone function in the fastest-validator fallback (described below), which in Node.js is only available in v17.0.0 and above.
- Added support for passing in fastest-validator schemas. This is required because the $node internal services built into Moleculer assume that fastest-validator is the current validator, which poses a problem given as moleculer-zod-validator had no idea what to do with those schemas. By checking for the existence of property in the Zod schema that is not used in fastest-validator, this can now automatically switch into a failsafe that uses fastest-validator instead.