Eventually, a VHDL implementation of a MIPS R3000 with 16550-class UART and VGA. Supplied Toolchain and BIOS can be used to cross-compile C application to run on it.
The UART is memory-mapped at address 0x1fd003f8. The VGA frame buffer is yet to be designed.
(More to follow)
(to follow)
contains a simple BIOS that runs a command interpreter on the UART.
Application can be tested locally in QEMU by running make
in the root directory.
This will build the BIOS, applications and start a serial session with the command
interpreter running inside the emulator.
make gdb
sets a breakpoint at 0xbfd0_0000
(reset vector) and make monitor
launches QEMU monitor mode. All three modes start a gdb server at port 51234.
apt-get install gdb-multiarch
for debugging.
contains Linux i686 and x86-64 cross MIPS toolchain binaries.
Add them to your PATH with source toolchain/setenv.sh
Copyright (C) 2017 Aicha Ben Chaouacha, Ahmad Fatoum, Niklas Fuhrberg
This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the file LICENSE for full copying conditions.
This project was written during the Basispraktikum Technische Informatik at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.