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TechieGuy12 edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 1 revision

To send a notification request to an endpoint, the following information can be specified:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Element Description
url The URL to connect to for the notification.
method The HTTP method to use for the request. Default: POST
data Data to send for the request.


This is the valid URL to the endpoint and is specified using the <url> element.


The <method> element specifies the HTTP method used in the request to the endpoint. The valid values are:


Note: The method names are case-sensitive, so they must be added to the configuration file exactly as shown in the table above.

The default value for the <method> element is POST.


The <data> element contains information that is sent to the endpoint. This element contains the <headers>, <body>, and <type> child elements to provide details about the data sent with the request.


The <headers> element allows you to specify various headers to include in the request. Each header is specified within a <header> child element, and contains a <name> and <value> pair of elements. For example:



The <body> element provides information to send in the request. You can specify any message in the <body> element, or you can use the [message] placeholder to have File Watcher write the change message into the body.


Generate the checksums for all files located in C:\Temp:

fv.exe -f C:\Temp

Validate that the checksum of a file called notes.txt in C:\Temp matches E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:

fv.exe -f C:\Temp\notes.txt -ha E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855

Use 32 threads when generating or validating the hashes of files in a directory:

fv.exe -f C:\Temp -t 32

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