This is an application that is made for OneSG, that aims to provide a centralised platform for users to access, create and update cases.
The development of this application was done as part of Techladies Bootcamp #6. Techladies is a community for women in Asia to connect, learn, and advance as programmers.
- node v12.18.3
- npm v6.14.6
Code and setup instructions for frontend and backend can be accessed in their respective subdirectories.
- Install dependencies
git clone
npm install
- Get development.js file from the coaches/team lead and put in config > env
- Run the application
npm run dev
- Go to http://localhost:8080
- Install PostgreSQL:
npm install pg
- Create the database
createdb onesg
- To run the migrations,
npm run db-migrate
- Populate the tables with the seed data (in the following sequence due to foreign key restraints)
npx knex seed:run --specific=staff.js
npx knex seed:run --specific=beneficiaries.js
npx knex seed:run --specific=referees.js
npx knex seed:run --specific=case.js
npx knex seed:run --specific=requestType.js
npx knex seed:run --specific=request.js
Ensure that the database onesg
exists in the localhost, with the tables populated with the seeded data. You can download Postico or the to check.
- Install psql and pg_trgm
\c onesg;
To create keys required for authentication with passport
, run the following command,
npm run generate-keys
You should now have the generated public & private keys in a keys
folder in root.
+- config/ : configuration folder
| +- env/
| | +- index.js : loads env file based on environment
| | +- development.js
| | +- production.js
| +- index.js : home to your configs, can scale by adding folders and files
+- controllers/ : business logic
| +- <feature>/ : controller container for a specific feature
+- db/ : db initialization scripts
| +- migrations/
| +- seeds/
+- docs/ : documentation
+- middleware/ : custom middleware
+- models/ : db models
+- public/ : for serving static files
+- routers/ : route definitions
| +- <feature>/ : route container for a specific feature
+- utils/ : shared functions
| +- errors/ : custom error classes
| +- index.js : entry point to the utils folder
+- .eslintrc.json
+- .gitignore
+- index.js : app entry point
+- package.json
We use Heroku and Travis to run the build and deploy the app. The following are the corresponding branches and the app names and links
- Branch: develop
- App name: onesg-backend-staging
- Link:
- Branch: master
- App name: one-sg-backend
- Link:
Create apps with the aforementioned app names. Add the following config vars to respective apps' config var under Settings.
We use Heroku: Postgres as our plugin. More info on Heroku plugin here.
Go to and login with your Github account. Give Travis access to your repository.
If you already have Travis installed, you can also add Travis to the repository on from page
Create a .travis.yml
file. Add the following block code to the file
Generate your api_key
with this code below:
travis encrypt \$(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key --pro
Run seeds in terminal. Change the app names after -a accordingly.
heroku run knex seed:run --specific=referees.js -a onesg-backend-staging
heroku run knex seed:run --specific=referees.js -a onesg-backend-staging
heroku run knex seed:run --specific=case.js -a onesg-backend-staging
Add the pg_trgm
extension to the database.
heroku pg:psql
create extension pg_trgm
Save the file and commit your changes to GitHub.
You should be able to see the build on Travis and the app on Heroku deployed.
Deployed on Heroku
For this project, the email and password for admin is hard-coded in POST request
Once bearer token is generated upon login. Put the bearer token under Headers with 'Authorisation' key to access pages.