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Highly recommend reading everything but here is a a TL;DR guide to navigating this page:
Beginner with NO programming experience but want to learn coding and the tools associated with development. READ EVERYTHING, starting with [Section: Command-Line] and moving on.
No experience and want to jump straight into learning coding: [Section: Learning Python]
Coming from Core Programming or AP Computer Science and already know Java and want to learn Python: [Section: Learning Python w/ Programming Experience]
Already know Python or C++ and want to jump straight into Computer Vision: [Section: Computer Vision Curriculum]
The command-line is especially important to learn for development because we compile our tools and code via the command-line. We can, however, use an editor/IDE like VS Code, PyCharm, or Eclipse to compile code but that requires a lot of set up to get it right. Even with that, some implementations would require specially tuned parameters/arguments that needs to be supplied to the command-line in which the IDE cannot do.
For example, our MainReactor program can be ran differently based on what arguments is specified to the terminal:
> ./main_reactor
is a single argument command which will print out the proper command-line usage of MainReactor. So, it will print to the screen with instructions on how to use the program. Ex:./main_reactor config[:name][@source]
> ./main_reactor rs_color
would initialize the program to run with RealSense Color (rs_color) cameras -
> ./main_reactor rs_color rs_depth
would initalize the program to run with RealSense Color (rs_color) and RealSense Depth (rs_depth) cameras. -
> ./main_reactor dai_color dai_depth
would initialize the program to run with DepthAI Color and DepthAI Depth cameras.
Note: All these are program specific and the arguments varies based on how the code is written. rs_color
, rs_depth
, dai_color
dai_depth` are how we configured our presets for the code to run. Not ALL code requires multiple arguments to be specified.
So, it's important to learn how to type in the terminal and basics terminal navigation.
TL;DR If you want to learn the command-line, a great resource would be Command Line Basics by The Odin Project which supplements readings from The Unix Shell.
- For The Unix Shell, the Odin Project recommends working through the first 4 modules but Module 4: Pipes and Filters can be skipped for now.
In short, Git is used for source code management. It allows us to store code and track changes that are made to the it. Additionally, it allows us to work on code collaboratively and on different devices. Git is the version control system that manages the source code whereas GitHub is the cloud-based hosting services that allows for repostitory management.
- Bad and inaccurate example but in simpler terms, Github is essentially a Google Drive but designed for coding. You can store documents on the cloud, share your documents with other people, view the editing history.. etc.
Git Basics by The Odin Project or Complete Git and Github Tutorial (Video) or Pro Git Book by Scott Chacon are all great resources for learning Git. Pick your poison.
After learning the basics, some important git fundamentals to learn would be:
- Branching w/ Git: Learn Git Branching
- Visually learn more about committing, branching and basic source tree navigation.
- Submodules: Working with submodules by GitHub
- How to add submodules and updating.
Debugging Git Resource: Oh Shit, Git!?!
If you are new to programming or new to the Python language and want to learn it, a great beginner resource would be Automate The Boring Stuff With Python and Python MOOC by University of Helsinki.
- If you are learning with the Python MOOC, I would recommend using Visual Studio Code w/ the TestMyCode extension installed.
- Harvard: CS50P is great if you prefer a video and lecture style of learning. David Malan is a great lecturer and does a good job at explaining the concepts.
- University of Michigan: Python for Everybody for concepts broken down into shorter videos and parts.
Personal advice is to not be overwhelmed by what resource to use but rather to just pick one and stick with it.
If you are transitioning from Core Programming or have pre-existing knowledge of programming languages such as Java and want to learn Python without consulting any new tutorials or code, you can consider learning as you think in Java syntax/concepts and translate it into Python through googling how to do certain things the Python way. Programming concepts stay the same no matter which language you are using; the main differences between languages are syntaxes and the levels of abstractions.
For example, you can try searching:
How to write a Python array
What is String.toString() in Python
How to convert a string to an integer in Python
If you want to jump straight into the Pythonic world, I would recommend checking out the Official Python Documentation Tutorials and its Documentations.
Why are we using Python?
- In terms of using Python for Computer Vision processing, we use it for prototyping our ideas since Python is extremely easy to write code and prototyping ideas compared to the popular counterpart of C++ which requires a lot of error handling and complicated syntaxes.
- There are also a lot of libraries and resources written for Computer Vision using the Python language.
Can I use C++ instead?
- Yes. Normally, we first prototype in Python and if speed is an issue, we will rewrite it into C++. However, if you want a challenge and try using C++, by all means, go for it.
TODO: Add code to the repository of example code such as image manipulations, using apriltags, camera calibrations.. etc. and add links to the resources or write our own tutorial. NOTE: WORK IN PROGRESS - STILL NEEDS MORE WORK.
Introduction to Images
- Pixels, Image Manipulation, Color Space
- Grayscale, RGB, HSL, HSV
Introduction to Cameras
- Lens (Regular, Fisheye)
- Pinhole Cameras
- What cameras do the team use?
OpenCV Basics
- Loading, displaying and saving images
- Capturing video from camera frames
- Annotating mats: drawing shapes, text
- Image operations: pixels, properties (shape, data type), resizing
- Bitwise operations
- Changing ColorSpace
Computer Vision Basics
- Transformations
- Kernels and Convolution
AprilTags (and PhotonVision?)
- What is an AprilTag? Families? ID?
- Detecting Python AprilTags
Camera Calibration
- Checkerboard (Python Example (488-2019))
- Camera Matrix
Object Detection (Python Example (488-2023)
- Histogram, Morphology.. etc
Other CV Topics:
- Getting an object's depth and angle from center of the camera
- Robot arm kinematics
XBOT Internal Tools:
FRC Topics:
Here are a list of Computer Vision curriculums/resources that are found online (but yet to be verified):
- IV Labs
- Udacity: Introduction to Computer Vision CS6476
- First Principles of Computer Vision
- The Ancient Secrets of Computer Vision (UW CSE455)
- TBA.
C++ is generally much more complicated than Python but it offers the speed and performance that beats Python and is also considered one of the fastest programming languages as it is statically typed versus Python's dynamically typed language.
Speed is especially important for applications of Computer Vision since cameras will usually capture at framerates starting from 20 frames per second up to 400+ frames. It would be optimal for our code to process the data as fast as the cameras can process it.
If you want to learn C++ from the ground up, learncpp is the best place for covering both beginner and advanced C++ topics and that follows modern and best practice guidelines.