## country_name country_group group_type
## 1 Australia Advanced Economies IMF
## 2 Austria Advanced Economies IMF
## 3 Belgium Advanced Economies IMF
## 4 Canada Advanced Economies IMF
## 5 Switzerland Advanced Economies IMF
## 6 Cyprus Advanced Economies IMF
## country is_wb_country wb_name cldr_short_en iso2c iso3c iso3n
## 1 Afghanistan TRUE Afghanistan Afghanistan AF AFG 4
## 2 Åland Islands FALSE <NA> Åland Islands AX ALA 248
## 3 Albania TRUE Albania Albania AL ALB 8
## 4 Algeria TRUE Algeria Algeria DZ DZA 12
## 5 American Samoa TRUE American Samoa American Samoa AS ASM 16
## 6 Andorra TRUE Andorra Andorra AD AND 20
## imf continent country_name_en_regex wb_counterpart_id
## 1 512 Asia afghan 625
## 2 NA Europe åland <NA>
## 3 914 Europe albania 071
## 4 612 Africa algeria 130
## 5 859 Oceania ^(?=.*americ).*samoa <NA>
## 6 NA Europe andorra 025
creates a pair of source and test files with the selected filename- If the source file already exists and is open in your IDE, you can
instead do
to create an appropriately named test file
adds the named package to DESCRIPTION dependenciesusethis::use_dev_package(package, type="Suggests")
adds a development dependency (won’t be installed for end-users)usethis::use_import_from(package, fun=)
adds a single function import to the roxygen2 docs
sets up the project’s file system for dependency management with renvrenv::install()
installs all dependencies listed in DESCRIPTION, including Suggests/development dependenciesrenv::snapshot()
regenerates the lockfile to match currently installed dependencies, excluding Suggests/development dependenciesrenv::update()
updates all package dependencies to latest versionsrenv::restore()
installs all dependencies declared in the lockfile
usethis::use_data(some_dataframe, name="filename")
saves a data object to “data/filename.rda” for use as a package exportusethis::use_data_raw("dataset_name")
creates an empty R script in the “data-raw” directory—this is where you put any automation scripts that are used for generating/updating the exported dataset but that you don’t want to export to the end-user
creates a new vignette template in the “vignettes” directoryusethis::use_article("article_name")
creates a new article template in the “vignettes/articles” directoryusethis::use_package_doc()
creates a package-level documentation file
generates documentation files from roxygen2 commentsdevtools::build_readme()
builds the file from README.Rmddevtools::build()
builds the package into a .tar.gz filedevtools::install()
installs the package locallydevtools::check()
runs R CMD check on the packagedevtools::test()
runs all tests in the package
builds a documentation website for the packagedevtools::build_vignettes()
builds all vignettes in the package
guides you through the CRAN submission process- Update
with any necessary explanations for CRAN maintainers - Use
to test on R-hub before submission