A tool to upload Heroes of the Storm replay data to an SQL database.
- Python 2
- SQL installation (tested with MySQL CE for Windows)
You will need the following python libraries:
Create a file named db.config
in the root of the respository, formatted as JSON, with the following fields:
"host": <host address here>,
"database": <database name here>,
"user": <SQL user username>,
"password": <SQL user password>
This will tell the uploader how to connect to the SQL database, and now uploader can be run:
usage: uploader.py [-h] [-d] [-f] [-r] playerBattleTag inputPath
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --is-directory Tells the parser to search the directory and upload all
-f, --is-replayfile Tells the parser the input path is a replay
-r, --remove-table Tells the parser to drop/remove the table