1. Phase: Investigating the partners page
challenge-response authentication with rsa keys
obtaining short-lived api token after successful login
- text-based authentication server at security-challenge.bmw-carit.de:21042
connecting to the server via telnet:
telnet security-challenge.bmw-carit.de 21042
server responds with three certificates to choose from:
0) <Name(C=DE,ST=Baden-Wuerttemberg,L=Ulm,O=Fabulous Mobility\, Inc,OU=Marketing)> 1) <Name(C=DE,ST=Baden-Wuerttemberg,L=Ulm,O=Fabulous Mobilitc\, Inc,OU=Auth Services)> 2) <Name(C=DE,ST=Baden-Wuerttemberg,L=Ulm,O=Fabulous Mobility\, Inc,OU=Legacy Authentication)>
choosing a certificate from 0-2
server responds with the corresponding certificate and a challenge
When a small encryption exponent e is used and if the message m < modulus n/e:
→ the encryption is not effective since the ciphertext c is smaller than the modulus
→ adversary can calculate the cube root of the ciphertext to obtain the message
the certificates are pem-encoded X509 certificates
copying the certificates into files similarly named to their OU
extracting the public key values:
openssl x509 -noout -in certs/<PEM> -modulus -text | \ grep "Modulus=\|Exponent" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' > pubs/<PUB>
certificate 1) and 2) have the same low exponent=3:
→ vulnerable to Cube Root Attack?
→ vulnerable
→ not vulnerable
python3 attacker.py
Flag: CIT-2cf2dc773a1be3b5a0d86a2914ee86b28a71975a113ca02bdf972a4bb28494cd