Building a game of snake Find the Figjam of how I want it to look as well as any kind of notes during my thinking process at Figma
Day 1: Set up the HTML, CSS, and JS ✔️
Day 2: Set up the snake, and Canvas ✔️
Day 3: Make Snake Move ✔️
Day 4: Make Snake move via key presses (via KeyboardEvent) ✔️
day 5: Set up Food & have it randomly appear (math.floor(random() * (max - min) + min) for how to have the food show up over the canvas? Maybe?) ✔️
Day 6: Make Snake grow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (collisionDetection()?)
Day 7: Set up the game over logic ✔️
Day 8: Set up the game reset logic
Day 9: Set up the game pause logic
Day 10: Set up the game score logic (function DrawScore())
Day 11: Set up the game high score logic
Once everything is working, my goal is to make the snake Izzy (the 1996 mascot of the Atlanta Olympics) and have him pick up peaches. Each additional peach will add a lightning bolt to Izzy.