Setup environment variables:
. ~/utadeo_ws/install/setup.bash
run the axioma node:
ros2 lrun axioma_node axioma_node
other console (to command the robot) ros2 run rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
other console (to view the state of the motors) ros2 topic echo /joint_states
Assuming that the appropriate ROS2 (Foxy) version is already installed:
Install rthe required packages.
sudo apt install ros-foxy-rqt-robot-steering ros-foxy-robot-state-publisher ros-foxy-joy ros-foxy-joy-linux ros-foxy-joy-teleop pip3 install pyserial
Go to your colcon workspace scooby_description and scooby_package cd ~catkin_ws/src
Clone axioma_node:
git clone https://github.com/olmerg/axioma_robot.git
Build and install:
cd ~/utadeo_ws colcon build
add serial conection to your user in linux (if it can not find serial port it will enter in simulation mode): dialout group to the user:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout name_user
check arduino mega is connected with the firmware:
ls /dev/ttyACM*
- Arduino Mega 2560
- low cost encoders (https://www.mactronica.com.co/sensor-encoder-optico-hc-020k) BAD IDEA
- motor driver TB6612FNG (https://www.mactronica.com.co/driver-tb6612fng-control-motor-paso-a-paso)
- small car 2wd (https://www.mactronica.com.co/carro-robotico-smart-car-v2)