Version 3.1.2
solid_dmft version 3.1.2 is a patch-release that improves / fixes the following issues:
- fix deg shells in magnetic calculations
- fix bug in max_G_diff function ignoring norm_temp
- fix load Sigma with new gf_struct in triqs 3.1.x
- Made the way mesh is stored in maxent_gf_latt consistent with maxent_gf_imp
- adapt vasp patch files for ver6.3.2
- update for Joss publication
- print optimal alpha in other maxent scripts
- update postprocessing routines for plotting spectral functions
- add new test for pcb get_dmft_bands function
- DOC: extend install instructions & improve readme for #21 #22
- DOC: update support & contribute section, bump ver to 3.1.1
- add proj_on_orb functionality to Akw
- Added observables documentation for DMFT output
- Added input documentation
- Added ETH logo to website, small fixes to documentation
- rename examples to debbuging_examples
- pip package build files
Contributors: Sophie Beck, Alberto Carta, Alexander Hampel, Max Merkel