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The repository is a collection of the Gap packages. The aim of these packages is to carry out categorical and homological constructions on complexes, homotopy or derived categories. The main focus is the construction of derived equivalences that arise via full strong exceptional collections.
Packages of HigherHomologicalAlgebra:
Name | Description | Documentation |
BBGG | Beilinson monads and derived categories for coherent sheaves over P^n | |
Bicomplexes | Bicomplexes for Abelian categories | |
ComplexesCategories | Category of (co)chain complexes of an additive category | |
DerivedCategories | Derived categories of Abelian categories | |
HomotopyCategories | Homotopy categories of additive categories | |
QuotientCategories | Quotient categories of CAP categories by two-sided ideals | |
StableCategories | Stable categories of additive categories | |
ToolsForHigherHomologicalAlgebra | Tools for the Higher Homological Algebra project | |
TriangulatedCategories | Framework for triangulated categories |
The packages can easily be obtained by cloning the repository HigherHomologicalAlgebra in the pkg directory of the Gap installation.
This package is written to handle categories that are already implemented in CAP, so you will need a fresh version of CAP. You may install it from CAP_project
You will also need homalg_project
Other needed packages
For the installation of Gap see gap-system-website
These packages are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.