This is a fully functional Vagrantfile for use with Vagrant. It contains the EBITSIM software and pypy3 with all dependencies.
Linux & Windows 10 64bit instructions, you just don't need the reboot on linux:
Download Virtual Box from (Probably 6.0, not 6.1 currently)
Download Vagrant from
Restart PC (Installation may ask to reboot).
Download Vagrantfile file from the link into its own directory :
Change to the directory where you put the Vagrantfile
Use command ‘vagrant up’; This will download all the files required.
Use command ‘vagrant ssh’ to login to virtual machine.
When finished working with VM, use command 'vagrant halt' to shut down virtual machine and free up RAM.
If this is your first time running this or just a good practice do the following to ensure the simulation code is up to date:
cd ebitsim
git pull
From the ebitsim directory you can run the simulation via : pypy3 ./
Example usage :
Using command line arguments:
pypy3 -z 51 -a 129 --chargeStates 46 47 48 49 50 51 --beamEnergy=25000.0 --breedingTime=12.0 --outputFile=BE25_I0.02_SB51_46_51.png
Using config file:
pypy3 --configFile ebitsim.cfg
Grabbed periodic table of elements csv from : - Thank you!
'/vagrant' is a symlink for local 'ebitsim' folder.
cp FILENAME.png /vagrant