Pythonmidas is a python package that allows easy access to the MIDAS ODB.
We want to install the package in the local repository under the verions of python that we use on the DAQ machines.
On titan01:
- python2.6 install --prefix=$HOME/.local
- python2.7 install --prefix=$HOME/.local
python2.7 is shared between titan01 and lxmpet
Once Pythonmidas is installed, it can be imported and use as:
import pythonmidas.pyhonmidas as Midas
Midas.sendmessage("YOUR NAME", "My first pythonmidas message.")
This will send "[YOUR NAME, USER] My first pythonmidas message." to the MIDAS message stream.
Once the package is installed, you can run the tests suite using the command:
~/.local/bin/nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pythonmidas
This uses nose to run the tests in the "test/" directory. The argument "--with-coverage" checks to see if each line of code is tested in the test script, and the argument "--cover-package=pythonmidas" displays the coverage data for the pythonmidas package.