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Tailori API

Textronic design System have created an interactive platform for bespoke clothing. Textronics Tailori API is a plugin that simplifies access to the functionality of textronics services.


To know more about features of TheGuide, continue reading our documentation and check our available components.
It provides following features:


i) jquery.js download

ii) jsrender.js download

iii) jquery.tds.js download


Binding Element Attributes

In addition to the normal text, you may also want your templates to contain HTML elements whose attributes are bound to the controller.

  <script id="myTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">Name: {{:name}}</script>

  Binding template "myTemplate" in html body will show result 

   <div id="myTemplate">In this Id your all var data will call     



Props Description Required
ServiceUrl ServiceUrl is a url where we place all our data that we need to call,
For eg. product, draping parts, buttons, fabrics, etc.
Provided by textronics.
Product Product Name
For eg. 'Product':'MEN-SHIRT'
ProductTemplate jsrender template for rendering options/elements.
Create a Template id, when we call template id, template will open in page.
For eg. 'Product Template':#div-1
ImageSource Image container where rendered images are placed (i.e. id, class or etc).
Keep this empty if you want it to manage rendered image by its own.
For eg. 'Product Template': #img-div
OptionsPlace Container for placing the ProductOptions
For eg. <html> <div id ="ABC">product options will appear here </div> </html>
Here in html, we call id="ABC" so, all the features will be called in ABC.
* 1
OptionTemplate OptionTemplate is Created to display Product Options in the browser.
For displaying dynamically give template id of option here(it will render html contains dynamically when clicked on Product i.e. click collar or cuff, etc.)
For eg. 'optionTemplate':'#optiontemplatename'
* 1
FeaturesPlace Container for placing the ProductOptions Feature
For eg. 'featurePlace':'#xyz'
* 2
FeatureTemplate FeatureTemplate is Created to display Product Features in the browser.
For eg. 'featureTemplate':'#Featuretemplatename'
* 2
IsOptionVisible If true Options such as straight cuff, beveled cuff, etc. will be displayed seperately,
If false Options and Features will be listed in same place.
For eg. 'Isoptions':'true'
MonogramTemplate Container for placing the Monogram Options.
In MonogramTemplate we can add: font, text, and placing area to show monogram,etc.
* 3
MonogramPlace Placing area to show Monogram on the apparel.
* 3
AutoSpecific If true Zoomed view of specific part is automatically rendered else not.
AutoAlignment Auto Alignment is the option for Front View and Back View.Boolean values "true" or "false" is used to change the view.
For eg. 'AutoAlignment':false,
ImageSize ImageSize is the option for specifying Image size.
If height & width is specified in #img_div container than it will automatically take containers height.
If not, By default the height= 1000px, and width= Auto. To change image size user can manually change it as per requirement.
For eg. 'ImageSize':'1000',

*: Required.
*1: Properties marked as *1 are dependent on each other.
*2: Properties marked as *2 are dependent on each other.

Data Attributes

Data Attribute Description
data-tds-alignment Possible values are "next"/"previous" and alignment Name
data-tds-moption if value is text it used for input box for accepting input text for monogram
if value is preview it used for img tag for displaying priview of monogram


Callback Description
OnProductChange This callback fires when user clicks on Product i.e. Shirt, Suit, etc. and this callback has one parameter i.e id of Product
OnProductDetailChange This callback fires when user clicks on Product Details i.e. Coller, Cuff, Sleeves, etc and this callback has one parameter i.e id of Product Detail
OnOptionChange This callback fires when user clicks on ProductOptions i.e. High Coller, Low Coller, etc and this callback has one parameter i.e id of ProductOption
OnFeatureChange This callback fires when user clicks on ProductOptions Feature i.e. Half Sleeve, Full Sleeve etc and this callback has one parameter i.e id of ProductOptions Feaure
OnContrastChange This callback fires when user clicks on Contrast
OnRenderImageChange This callback fires when rendered images are ready to display i.e. after changing the element when we get result from textronics api, also, this callback has one parameter which array type
(if you want to render image by yourself then use this parameter and then there no need to give ImageSource option in plugin initialization )

Public methods in plugin

To create Tailori object public methods are used.

    obj = $("#div-1").tailori({
			'Product':'MEN-SHIRT',   //Product i.e men shirt,women shirt, men suit, etc
			'ProductTemplate':'#theTmpl', //Template id for Product
			'ImageSource':'#img-div', //Container Id for place images


If you want to change the product i.e from men-shirt to men-suit use



Get and Set the Texture (i.e. fabric or color ) to apparel use

if you want to apply fabric from textronics fabric library send id of fabric


if you want to apply color as texture

  obj.Texture("#ff0000");  //hex value of color
  obj.Texture("rgb(255,0,0)");  //rgb value of color
  obj.Texture("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");  //hsl value of color

if you want texture of apparel call method without passing parameter

 texture = obj.Texture();


Get and Set the Texture (i.e. fabric or color ) to contrast part of apparel

if you want apply fabric from textronics fabric library send id of fabric


if you want to apply color as texture

  obj.ContrastTexture("#ff0000");  //hex value of color
  obj.ContrastTexture("rgb(255,0,0)");  //rgb value of color
  obj.ContrastTexture("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");  //hsl value of color

if you want texture of contrast of apparel call method without passing parameter

 contrasttexture = obj.ContrastTexture();
Note: ContrastTexture applies texture only on last selected contrast


To show specific details of a part, pass id as the parameter. This function will give you an array of name and id.



To specifically render an image, pass any one parameters from the three given below for desired view of the part:

  • detail id - To show specific view of any product detail.
  • true - To show last selected specific view.
  • false - To show normal view i.e., model or full view.


To get the summary of apparel Method returns the object contents i.e., selected part and fabric information with cost.



To reset all contrasts of apparels.



To load default apparels.



To get and set your favourite look (i.e. if you want to save your customized apparel for future use)
This will return you object which contain data and Image
If you want to load your look next time send data to the method.

Get Look

look = obj.Look();
// look.Data - to load save look next time
// look.Image - To show image of custmize look

Load Look



Gets an item of particular product by sending it the product-id which you will get from OnProductChange. It will return array of objects.

optionsObj = obj.Options("158294");


Get an items of particular product by sending it the option-id which you will get from OnOptionChange. It will return array of objects.

featuresObj = obj.Features("75321598");


Gets an item of particular product by sending it the product-id which you will get from OnProductChange. It will return array of objects.

contrastsObj = obj.Contrasts("158294");


Using Tailori Plugin

var obj =null;
function GetSummary(){
	console.log( obj.Summary());
function GetProduct(){
	$(document).ready(function () {
		 obj = $("#div-1").tailori(
			'Product':'MEN-SHIRT',   //Product i.e men shirt,women shirt, men suit, etc
			'ProductTemplate':'#theTmpl', //Tempalte id for Product
			'ImageSource':'#img-div', //Container Id for place images
			'AutoSpecific':false, //Auto specific view after selecting any feature
			'AutoAlignment':false, //Auto alignment set according to selected element
			'Monogram':false, //If monogram 
			'MonogramTemplate':'#theTmplm', //Tempalte id for Monogram UI
			'MonogramPlace':'#monoplace', // html containter for Monogram
			'OnFeatureChange': function(){

How to use JsRender and Creating Template

JsRender is a light-weight but powerful templating engine.

Define a template

From a template declared as markup in a script block:

<script id="myTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">Name: {{:name}}</script>

But now we are using for textronics tailori, so we will use {{for ...}} tag Following object hierarchy is provided to you for creating templates.

├──── Product
│   │
│   ├──── Options 
│   │   │
│   │   └── Features
│   │
│   └──── Contrasts
├──── MonogramPlacement
├──── MonogramFont
└──── MonogramColor

Following is an object structure of Product, Options, Features, Contrasts, MonogramPlacement, MonogramFont and MonogramColor which will be used for more detailing of your template:

 Product/ Options/ Features/ Contrasts/ MonogramPlacement/ MonogramFont/ MonogramColor
    ├── Id 
    ├── Name
    └── ImageSource

A template (with a conditional section using an {{for}}-------{{for}}, tag):

In Example

Products we are using{{for product}}-------{{for}}
Options we are using{{for options}}-----{{for}}
Contast we are using{{for contrast}}-----{{for}}

Example of template for bootstrap accordion

<script id="theTmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion2">
{{for Product}}
<div class="panel panel-default">
	<div class="panel-heading">
	<h4 class="panel-title">
	<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion2" 
	<img style="max-width:30px;" src="{{:ImageSource}}">{{:Name}}
<div id="collapse{{:Id}}" class="panel-collapse collapse">
	<div class="panel-body">
	<table class="table">
	{{for Options}}
	{{for Features}}		
		<tr id="{{:Id}}">
			<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>
			<a href="#">{{:Name}}</a>
		{{for Contrasts}}		
		<tr id="{{:Id}}">
			<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>
			 <a href="#">{{:Name}}</a>


Example of template for bootstrap nav panel

<script id="theTmpl1" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel with-nav-tabs panel-default">
  <div class="panel-heading">
	<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
		{{for Product}}                            
	<li><a href="#tab{{:Id}}" data-toggle="tab">
	<img style="max-width:30px;" src="{{:ImageSource}}">{{:Name}}</a>
   <div class="panel-body">
       <div class="tab-content">
	{{for Product}}					
        <div class="tab-pane fade " id="tab{{:Id}}">
	<ul class="list-group">
		{{for Options}}
		  {{for Features}}
	<li class="list-group-item" id="{{:Id}}">{{:Name}}</li>						

If you want to show options and feature dynamically, you can create three template

  1. For Product
  2. For Option
  3. For Feature

if IsOptionVisible=false or Product contains only one option then it will directly show all the features from particular Product

Example for Product Template

<script id="theTmpl33" type="text/x-jsrender">
	<li id="Fab">
	{{for Product}}
	<a class="nav-toggle" href="#" style="background-image:url({{:ImageSource}}); 
	<li id="Monogram">

Example for Option Template

<script id="optionsTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
 {{for Options}}
	<li id='{{:Id}}'>
	<a class='nav-toggle' href='#' style='background-image:url({{:ImageSource}}); 

Example for Feature Template

<script id="FeaturesTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
{{for Features}}
 	<a href="#" style="background-image:url({{:ImagesUrl}}); background-repeat:no-repeat;


Example for Monogram Template

<script id="MonogramTemplate2" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div class="form-group">
	<label for="sel1">Monogram Placement:</label>
	<select class="form-control" id="sel1">
	  {{for MonogramPlacement}}
<div class="form-group">
	<label for="sel2">Monogram Font:</label>
	<select class="form-control" id="sel2">
	   {{for MonogramFont}}
<div class="form-group">
	<label for="usr">Monogram Text:</label>
	<input class="form-control" id="monogram-text" data-tds-moption="text" 
	                                 placeholder="Enter Text" type="text">
	<label>Monogram Color:</label>
	<ul class="color">
	    {{for MonogramColor}}
	    <li style="background-color:{{:Name}};">
	    <a href="#" style="background-color:{{:Name}}; background-repeat:no-repeat; 


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  • JavaScript 81.7%
  • HTML 18.3%