Releases: TBXin/NFirmwareEditor
Releases · TBXin/NFirmwareEditor
- Automatic / manual checking for application updates (automatic can be disabled in the options);
- Automatic / manual checking for patches updates (automatic can be disabled in the options);
- Save As... now worked as expected;
- Added logging for all unexpected errors;
- Added new patches;
- Various bug fixes;
Patch manager
- Added "Open in editor" button, that will open selected patch in the default OS application for *.patch files;
- Improved patch file parser:
- Better implementation;
- Patch files now must be located in the folder specified by firmware definition name; Eg for definition "Evic VTC Mini 3.03" patches directory is "Patches\Evic VTC Mini 3.03";
- Added an ability to use asterisk ("*") instead of "old byte value" in the patches. Asterisk mean that editor will ignore original byte in the firmware when you will apply patch or when compatibility checker will do his work. Also, these patch changes cannot be rollbacked;
Firmware Updater
- Added an ability to upload custom firmwares (created with EvicSDK);
- Joyetech eGrip II recognition, when connected to PC via USB;
String editor
- Strings now has preview such as images in the lists;
- Added switch, that gives an ability to check how strings will look with glyphs from block 1 or block 2;
- Removed glyphs with indexes greater than 0xFF from editor comboboxes;
Fix some issues for Wine users:
- Images / strings preview fixed. Removed annoying white border;
- Fixed copy/paste functionality for images;
- Improved image reading algorithms;
- Improved bitmap import with automatic resizing and conversion;
- Improved "Bitmap export", now exported images has truly 1bpp bitmap format;
- Better late than never: added support for firmware: Cuboid 3.00, Cuboid 3.01 and fixed definitions for Cuboid 3.10 and Cuboid 3.11. Now all Joyetech devices determines correctly;
- Fixed multiple UI layout issues;
- New look, new functionality:
- Super easy logo uploading for: Evic VTC Mini, Cuboid, Cuboid Mini with automatic conversion and preview;
- Advanced mode with: Reading / Writing / Resetting dataflash;
- Added Eleaf iStick Pico support;
- Showing boot mode of the connected device: APROM / LDROM;
- Performance improvements;
- Showing patch version when applying, rollbacking or showing conflicts;
- In the 'Patch Manager' was added column named 'File name' in which contains real file name;
Resource Packs
- Allowed to set multiple definitions when creating RP (comma separator);
- Update RP - when you want to update your RP you can select "Update Resource Pack" context menu item and choose previous version. After that you will see regular window, but with filled fields like 'name', 'author', etc.;
- In the 'Resource Pack Manager' was added column named 'File name' in which contains real file name;
- Added new tool named 'Image converter', which is responsible for automatic conversion common graphics files such as: bmp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif to the 1bpp bitmap;
Example of the automatic image conversion
- Possibility to export selected images to bmp files (image list context menu);
- Added Cuboid Mini product id, thats allow to recognize this device corretly;
- Slightly improved image editor status bar;
- Showing selected items count in the image list;
- Fixed columns sizing at the patches and resource pack tabs;
- Fixed image sizing in the import preview window;
- Added new patches and resource packs;
- Font import improved: it is now possible to move single selected glyph;
- After loading firmware showing in the status bar encrypted it was or not;
- Undo / Redo now works after imporing bitmap;
- Improved bitmap import;
- Tracking changes while editing firmware and showing preventing message when trying to close editor without saving;
- "Save" menu item, that will save firmware, without asking new file name;
- Backups, backups, backups. In the options window it is possible to choose backup mode for your firmware files:
- Disable;
- Simple (single backup file);
- Extended (always creates a copy with unique name in the special directory);
All backup modes works only with "Save".
- Added support for the following firmwares:
- Cuboid Mini 3.00
- Cuboid Mini 3.02
- Cuboid 3.02
- Cuboid 3.12
- Evic VTC Mini 3.02