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Blacklists and whitelists built by open code, so you know what goes into them.


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🌓 Reflection | 💿 Redundancy | ✅ Reliability

Aiming to promote privacy, security, and safety across the internet!

humane-tech release
Made with 💖 by

🚚 Deliverables

The whitelists are applied to all the blacklists!

List Name File Content Unique Entries File Size Mirror
BLOCK_DOMAIN Punycode domains 8,238,211 175M 🔗
BLOCK_IPV4 IPv4 addresses 1,334,716 19M 🔗
BLOCK_IPV6 IPv6 addresses 1,213 34K 🔗
BLOCK_CIDR4 IPv4 CIDR blocks 10,329 169K 🔗
BLOCK_CIDR6 IPv6 CIDR blocks 206 3.4K 🔗
ALLOW_DOMAIN Punycode domains 697,714 14M 🔗
ALLOW_IPV4 IPv4 addresses 75,335 1.1M 🔗
ALLOW_IPV6 IPv6 addresses 3,023 115K 🔗
ALLOW_CIDR4 IPv4 CIDR blocks 6,974 108K 🔗
ALLOW_CIDR6 IPv6 CIDR blocks 148,620 2.4M 🔗

Source Code

🧮 Checksum Evaluation

sha256sum CHECKSUMS.txt --strict

The output will print OK if the check was successful. Be sure to run the command in the same directory as the lists!

🐙 Fetching GitHub Releases

Provided below are some examples to fetch release artifacts leveraging the GitHub API.

Get all build artifacts

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' -sSf | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url'

Get a build artifact & its checksum

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' -sSf | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | startswith("BLOCK_DOMAIN")).browser_download_url'

Get a single build artifact

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' -sSf | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | startswith("BLOCK_DOMAIN")) | select(.name | endswith(".txt")).browser_download_url'

🖋️ Manifesto

Please report any hosts or lists that do not align in an issue.

Black Mirror stands on three pillars: privacy, security, and safety.

  • Privacy:
    • Whitelist services like trusted torrenting providers, VPNs, and Tor.
    • Blacklist deanonymized telemetry, data brokers, ad redirects, and stalkerware.
  • Security:
    • Whitelist services that promote security AND privacy.
    • Blacklist illegal or sketchy sites and known malicious actors.
    • Blacklist advertising to avoid the risks of malvertising.
  • Safety:

While Black Mirror censors content beyond privacy and security, it does not seek to do so irresponsibly. Many other popular blacklists say they block specific hosts for certain reasoning, and when combed through turn out to have many false positives, or blocks that fall outside that reasoning. Black Mirror aims to be different by being as transparent as possible. It's open to critique, and encourages community feedback and involvement. The real power behind the freedom of speech is the ability to hear many opinions to quickly deduce those that are correct or reasonable.

“Before you become too entranced with gorgeous gadgets and mesmerizing video displays, let me remind you that information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, and wisdom is not foresight. Each grows out of the other, and we need them all.”
Arthur C. Clarke

Table of contents

On Spyware/Stalkerware

GitHub Top Languages GitHub Top Languages

These services intrude on privacy, are usually malware, and compromise individual safety. Therefore any known parties are blocked.

“There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'.”
Philip K. Dick

On Propaganda

GitHub Top Languages

If it promotes any "knee-jerk contrarian" viewpoints, a website will only be blocked if they are a majority (>50%) of its content. As an example, because we have conclusive evidence on the fact that the Earth is round from the time of Eratosthenes, sites that feature contradictory viewpoints as an opinion majority get blocked.

“True liberty consists only in the power of doing what we ought to will, and in not being constrained to do what we ought not to will.”
Jonathan Edwards

“Make decency cool again.”
Andrew Marantz

On Social Media

The Zuckerburg Institute of Virology


Due to consistent privacy and security concerns, this platform will be blocked.



Owned by Facebook, but does not have majority support on issues that would get the site blocked. Its trackers and such will be blocked.


Owned and heavily monitored by Facebook. Communications may be secure between users, but are monitored by Facebook. It also has a track record of significant security concerns. All services will be blocked.



Though the cause of most internet drama, this platform is also where many cybersecurity community members communicate and collaborate. While it has compromised privacy and serves personalized ads, the platform itself will remain unblocked to promote cybersecurity communities. Its trackers and such will be blocked.


While there are harmful subreddits, they are not in the majority. Many have actually been banned, so this will remain unblocked. Its trackers and such will be blocked.


Largely supports privacy, even though there are some security concerns. It will remain unblocked.



Blocked due to being largely marginalized with the potential of any subdomain to breach any pillar.


Blocked due to countless privacy concerns, regardless of its Chinese affiliations.


📋 Attributes

  1. Produced in builds specific to each host's syntax.
  2. Updates at 1:27 AM UTC.
  3. No excess or trailing whitespace.
  4. No lingering webscraper garbage.
  5. Lines are terminated with lf.
  6. No blank lines.
  7. No comments.

🛠️ List Usage

Hosts File

mawk '{print " " $0}' BLOCK_DOMAIN.txt >>hosts
# mawk '{print ":: " $0}' BLOCK_DOMAIN.txt >>hosts
mawk '{print " " $0}' BLOCK_IPV4.txt >>hosts
mawk '{print ":: " $0}' BLOCK_IPV6.txt >>hosts

Many popular platforms such as OpenWRT, DDWRT, and Pi-hole use Dnsmasq as their choice TCP powerhouse. After inspecting many domain blocklists you'll inevitably run across a list in the dnsmasq.conf format. This list doesn't support it because you can use the addn-hosts parameter to add hosts in the list. Target a file that has the hosts in a format similar to the Hosts File format.

If you're using the RADVD daemon, prepend any listed hosts with ::. Otherwise, even if you have IPv6 support set up, prepend hosts with

This has been tested across all the mentioned platforms using dig{6} on a small sample size and had each host null-routed successfully. DNSmasq's man page discusses configuration further, and DDWRT's ad blocking wiki page provides some examples.

Amazon EC2 DNS Resolver

Follow this guide to create a DNS server on an Amazon EC2 instance.

Domain list usage is recommended.

Similar to dnsmasq, but requires more manual configuration. Name any products as a *.conf file. Then follow Steffinstanly's instructions on how to apply blocklists.

Leverage the ADGUARD_SOURCES.txt list or the domain list.

🐋 Docker Usage

Temporary Container

docker container run -u 0 -it --rm -h black-mirror

Persistant Container

docker container run -u 0 -it --name black-mirror -h black-mirror

Then to access the container at a later date, run:

docker start black-mirror
docker exec -u 0 -it black-mirror /bin/bash

Building the Image

docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t black-mirror .

👨‍💻 Development

Workspace Setup

Install Docker, PNPM, and NodeJS. These can usually be installed with a popular package manager. The specific Node version used in this project is provided in .node-version, but any version over 16 should work. With Docker running in the background, execute pnpm lint to debug any changes.

🛡️ Privacy Protectors

Good causes that help secure your digital life.

🎶 Notes

Need for speed

Some List References

Lamers Unwelcome

Big Data Lists

Typically used by other blacklist projects as whitelists.

List Name URL
Tranco list

IP Block Providers

Simply provide IP blocks for entire geographic regions.