PredNet implementation of PyTorch.
Environments are in env.yaml
The network could be found in
which importing
Train in train.ipynb
, and test in test.ipynb
In folder named 'KITTI', you can find the samples of datas used to testing this Predet.
Save processed datas in kitti_data
folder as
for training : X_train.hkl
, sources_train.hkl
for validation : X_val.hkl
, sources_val.hkl
for test : X_test.hkl
, sources_test.hkl
(you can download them in here)
Datas loaded with
when running train.ipynb
Code and models accompanying Deep Predictive Coding Networks for Video Prediction and Unsupervised Learning by Bill Lotter, Gabriel Kreiman, and David Cox.
The PredNet is a deep recurrent convolutional neural network that is inspired by the neuroscience concept of predictive coding (Rao and Ballard, 1999; Friston, 2005). Check out example prediction videos here.
The name of files like jupyter_ or colab_ is for indication.
You have to remove them before use it.
And always be careful DIRECTORIES.