1: Hello Developer Program in C#
2: Variables in C#
3: DataTypes in C#
3.1: int
3.2: String
3.3: Bool
3.4: float
3.5: double
3.6: Char
4: Operators in C#
4.1: Logical Operators
4.2: Assignment Operators
4.3: Comparison Operators
4.4: Bitwise Operators
4.5: Arithmatic Operators
5: Control Flow in C#
5.1: if Else Statement
5.2: Switch Statement
5.3: For Loop
5.4: ForEach Loop
5.5: While Loop
5.6: Do While Loop
6: Functions
6.1: Calculator
6.2: getting maximum Value
6.3: File Handling
6.4: Simple Login Page
6.5: Simple LoginIn Page using Files
7: Classes
7.1: inheritance
7.2: Multi Level inheritance
7.3: recursive Function ( in Login Page using file Handling)
7.4: Polymorphisam (Overriding)
8: Data Structure and Algorithm
8.1: Arrays
8.2: Sorting Arrays ( using built in Funciton, Bubble Sort Method and Linq)
8.3: List
8.4: Sorting List using Linq
9: DateTime
9.1: Now Date
9.2: Tomorrow Date (using AddDays)
9.3: Limit Date (using DateSpan)
10: File Handling
10.1: Writing to File
10.2: Reading from File
10.3: LoginPage which look for userName and Pin Code (Example)
11 Some Example
11.1: nd Area of rectangle
11.2Average of the numbers input by user
11.3 sum of even Numbers
11.4 Multiplication Table for Upto Value
11.5 Simple LogIN Page