Repository to share SuperNEMO commissioning analysis programs
Base of C++ program to read Raw Event Data files
Compilation and usage at CC/IN2P3:
# retrieve the repository (you may also consider to fork and clone your own repository)
git clone supernemo-commissioning
cd supernemo-commissioning/ReadRED/
# load CC/IN2P3 environnement
# build the demo program
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../
cd ../
# run demo with a RED file
build/read_red -i $RED_PATH/
# create your own program
cp read_red.cxx my_red_analysis.cxx
cd build/
cmake ../ # do only once, to update the Makefile with new rule for my_red_analysis compilation
cd ../
Base of C++ program to read Raw Trigger Data files
Better to work on RED files, unless you know what you want to do with RTD.