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Supaero SDD CTF 2023

Question and data repository for the 2024 Capture the Flag.


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1 | Where is the curl executable located? Some systems vary, if your answer is incorrect, try a common alternative.

2 | What is the linux command used for reading manuals?

3 | Where is the less executable located?

4 | What is the key for scrolling down by one half of screen size in less?

5 | What is the longer name of the -K flag to curl?

6 | What is the cp command flag allowing for copying directories?

7 | What is the ls command flag used for human-readable output?

8 | What is the mv command flag which will interactively prompt before overwriting files?

9 | What is the cat command flag which shows line numbers?

10 | If the variable STRING is set to banana, what does the command echo ${STRING:4}$ return?

11 | If the variable a is set to 3 and b is set to 4, what does the command if [[ $a -le $b ]]; then echo $a; else echo $b; fi return?

12 | If the variable p is set to (3 1 4 1 5 9), what does the command echo $((${p[0]} * ${p[2]})) return?

13 | What is the grep command flag used to select non-matching lines?

14 | What is the longer name of the -c flag to grep?

15 | How many lines are in file_a.txt?

16 | What does the command head -n 10 file_a.txt | wc -l return?

17 | How many words in file_a.txt start with the letter "d"?

18 | How many words are in file_a.txt that contain only 4 letters?

19 | What is the last word in file_b.txt?

20 | What is the line number of the word "helicopter" in file_b.txt?

21 | How many characters are in file_c.txt?

22 | How many words contain "croissant" inside them in file_c.txt?

23 | What word is at the same line in file_c.txt as the word "sheep" is in file_a.txt?

24 | What is the second word in file_c.txt which contains the letter x?

25 | What is the size of file_a.txt in bytes?

26 | What is the command to display files in the current directory?

27 | What is the find command flag that limits the search to a certain depth in directories?

28 | What command would you use to display all currently running processes?

29 | What is the environment variable used to define the location of executable programs?

30 | What is the flag for diff that ignores case differences?

Linux tools

31 | What is the apt command used to install available updates?

32 | What is the letter of the apt-get command flag to perform a test run of the installation that does not actually change the system?

33 | What is the file which lists locations that apt fetches packages from?

34 | What is the name of the first column in top by default?

35 | What is the letter of the command in top to kill a process?

36 | What is the tmux command to list all running sessions?

37 | What is the tmux command to use an existing session?

38 | What is the letter of the tmux key binding to create a new window inside tmux?

39 | What is the letter of the tmux key binding to leave the current client without stopping it?

40 | If you run tmux on a remote server and then disconnect, will the tmux session end? "yes" or "no"

41 | What is the name for the tutorial command to learn vim?

42 | What is the name of the mode vim starts in by default?

43 | What is the command to quit vim, without saving changes?

44 | What is the letter used to navigate up in vim?

45 | What is the file used for a user's vim configuration?

46 | What is the flag for the apt-get command to purge a package, including its configuration files?

47 | What is the apt command to update the list of available packages from sources listed in the sources list file?

48 | What is the linux command to check for available disk space?

49 | What is the letter of the command in htop to search for a specific process?

50 | What is the vim command to delete the current line?

51 | What is the vim command to yank (copy) the current line?

52 | What is the linux command used to display the IP addresses of all network interfaces?

53 | What key is used to scroll up one page in a man page?

54 | After searching within a man page, what key can be used to jump to the next occurrence of the search term?

55 | What key is used to jump to the beginning of a man page?


56 | How many directories are there in the root directory of the machine-learning repository?

57 | How many total files are there in the machine-learning repository and all subdirectories? Not counting directories or hidden files like the .git repository

58 | How many python or numpy files are in the machine-learning repository and subdirectories?

59 | What is the short version of the commit ID of the first commit of the machine-learning repository?

60 | What is the long version of the commit ID of the most recent commit of the machine-learning repository?

61 | What city is mentioned in the 2nd most recent commit message of the machine-learning repository?

62 | How many branches are in the machine-learning repository? Don't double count references to the same branch.

63 | What is the name of the branch which isn't main in the machine-learning repository?

64 | How many different unique user addresses have pushed commits to the machine-learning repository?

65 | What is the name of the LICENSE of the machine-learning repository? Hint: it is also the full first line of the LICENSE file

66 | What is the git remote "origin" url of the seaborn repository?

67 | What is the full version of the last commit ID in the 0.12 version branch of seaborn?

The following questions concern the master branch of seaborn at the commit 1e6739.

68 | How many commits are in the master branch of seaborn?

69 | How many tagged commits are there in the seaborn repository?

70 | How many "version" branches are there (ie, branches with a name starting in v)?

71 | What is the last item of the seaborn repository's gitignore?

72 | What is the first line of the setup.cfg file in the seaborn repository?

73 | How many such key fields are in the setup.cfg file in the seaborn repository?

74 | How many files are in the seaborn repository? Not counting hidden files like the .git repository

75 | How many files directly contain the word "numpy" in the seaborn repository? Do not count hidden files like .git/


76 | What is the name of the Linux command used to generate SSH keys?

77 | What is the letter of the flag to specify the number of bits when generating an ssh key?

78 | What is the letter of the ssh flag that denotes the private key to use for authentication?

79 | What is the letter of the ssh flag to specify the user to log in as on the remote machine?

80 | What is the default port for ssh?

81 | What is the first default private key file used by ssh?

82 | What is the escape command to disconnect from an ssh pseudoterminal?

83 | What is the standard location of the per-user SSH configuration file in Linux?

84 | What is the keyword to specify the private key file in an ssh configuration file?

The following questions pertain to the remote server:

85 | How many files (excluding directories) are there in ~/?

86 | Where are the executables accessible to the user?

87 | How many binary executables are available to the user?

88 | What is the hostname of the server?

89 | What is the kernel name of the server?

90 | What is the release of the kernel of the server?

91 | What is the MAC address of the ethernet device of the server?

92 | What is the internal IP address of the server?

93 | What is the timezone of the server?

94 | What is the remote origin URL of the git repository at ~/repo/?

95 | What is the name of the file (without the path) that has been removed in the git repository?

96 | How many lines are in the file ~/repo/data/dogc.txt?

97 | What is the last line of the file ~/repo/data/muni-cat.txt?

98 | How many times does the word "biblioteca" appear in all files in ~/repo/data/?

99 | How many .txt files are on the whole server?

100 | How many .txt files are in the home directory or its subdirectories?


Questions 101 - 120 are the responses to the exercises in the Jupyter notebook python_intro.ipynb, which is in the ctf2024 github repository. Some exercises can be solved by running the code in them; try to figure them out before running the code to get the solution.

121 | What is the type of a in the code a = [None] * 4?

122 | What is the character used to start a comment in Python?

123 | True or False: is checks if the value of two variables are the same.

124 | True or False: == checks if the value of two variables are the same.

125 | What is the return value of the following code?

a = list(range(10))
b = a[:]
b is a

126 | What is the return value of the following code?

a = 'bonjour'
b = "bonjour"
a is b

127 | Which of math.ceil and math.floor gives the same result as round for 0.5?

128 | What is the keyword used to start a function definition?

129 | What is the name of the function used to remove whitespace in a python string?

130 | What is the type of the following code: ["a", "b", "c"]?

131 | What is the type of the following code: {"a", "b", "c"}?

132 | What is the type of the following code: "a", "b", "c"?

133 | How many times does the following code print?

for i in range(10):
    if i == 4:

134 | How many times does the following code print?

for i in range(10):
    if i == 4:

135 | How many times does the following code print?

for i in range(10):
    if i == 4:

136 | How many times does the following code print?

for n in range(2, 10):
   for x in range(2, n):
       if n % x == 0:

137 | What does http_error(402) return in the following code?

def http_error(status):
    match status:
        case 400 | 401 | 403 | 404:
            return "Bad request"
        case 418:
            return "I'm a teapot"
        case _:
            return "Something is wrong with the internet"

138 | What does the following code print?

def foo(arg, /):


139 | What does the following code print?

def foo(*, arg):


140 | What does the following code print?

def foo(a, /, b, *, c):
    print(a, b, c)

    foo(1, b=2, c=3)
    print(3, 4, 5)

141 | What is the return value of the following code?

from datetime import timedelta
a = timedelta(weeks=2, hours=3, seconds=32)
b = timedelta(hours=3, seconds=32, days=14, weeks=0)
a == b

142 | What is the first argument to the function?

143 | What is the return value of the following code?

import time
from datetime import date == date.fromtimestamp(time.time())

144 | What is the directive used for a month's full name in strftime?

145 | What is the second to last element of a datetime timetuple?

146 | What is the result of math.fsum([0.1]*10)?

147 | What is the result of sum on the same list?

148 | What is the result of math.isclose(math.fsum([0.1]*10), sum([0.1]*10))?

149 | What is the python math function to check if a value is not a number?

150 | What is the return value of the code math.log(1234, 10) == math.log10(1234)?

151 | What is the return value of math.pow(3, 0)?

152 | What is the name of the python standard library that contains the functions mean, median, and mode?

153 | What is the name of the pickle function to write a pickled version of an object to a file?

154 | True or False: all classes that are defined inside a module can be pickled.

155 | What does the following code print?

print(json.dumps({"c": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0}, sort_keys=True))

156 | What is the expected type of the first argument of json.loads?

157 | What does the value "null" in JSON correspond to in Python?

158 | What is the return of the following code?

json.loads('{"x": 1, "x": 2, "x": 3}')

159 | What is the function name in the requests package to make an HTTP POST request?

160 | What is the name of the argument for providing an HTML payload in an HTTP POST request in the requests library?

Numpy and Pandas

Questions 161 - 200 are in the numpy and pandas notebooks.

161 - 180 | numpy.ipynb

181 - 195 | pandas_titanic.ipynb

196 - 200 | pandas_air_quality.ipynb


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