sudden_dev is a proof-of-concept co-op Python scripting game developed in 3 weeks.
Work together as a team to code against waves as enemies.
Getting to the end requires ingenuity and complex team strategies.
Requires Python 3 (developed using 3.6) pip, postgres, the heroku cli, and RabbitMQ.
Using a virtualenv is recommended. Once virtualenv is installed you can create a virtual environment for Python 3 and activate it like so:
virtualenv -p <path to Python 3> venv
source venv/bin/activate
Inside the root directory, use pip to install the suddendev package:
pip install -e .
You will need to install postgresql and create one database for development and another for running tests, named 'suddendev_dev' and 'suddendev_test' respectively. This can be a pain if you've not already setup postgresql. A helpful guide for Ubuntu users can be found here.
In addition, you will need to install rabbitMQ to run it locally. A helpful guide for this can be found here.
To initially setup the created development database - and clear it out when developing - run:
heroku local:run python
Finally to run the app locally as it would be run on Heroku, simply run:
If you want to reset all state - the databse and active game data, you can run:
Simply install tox and pytest (neither have to be in the development venv):
pip install tox pytest
And in the root directory, run: