Minecraft mod: Can't keep a tree down! Tree leaves regrow outward after harvesting if enough tree trunk is left.
- Breaking (or exploding) a tree's leaves will trigger potential regrowth of those leaves after a delay in time.
- Sheared leaves will not regrow - so you can cut trails through tree leaves.
- Leaves must regrow where they can be sustained (adjacent to logs or leaves with a minimum light level) - making regrowth look more natural (and outward).
- If a block's regrowth is blocked for over a game year, the tree will give up trying to regrow those leaves.
- Supports all mods trees that are identified correctly to Minecraft (tags leaves and logs)
- All settings for above features are configurable - grow outward, leaf regrow rate, light required to regrow, time to give up.
- By Stormwind
- BlockRepair derived from Corosauce's CoroUtil
- Inspired by LilRichy's Regrowable Leaves