proudly presents the first legally compliant Stacking pool with Lightning payouts.
For the first time, Stackers will be able to stack STX and earn BTC at zero-commission with the lowest possible BTC tx fees.
Furthermore, we will set up a member area on An individual user dashboard for transparency throughout the Stacking process. Blog posts and animated video clips will ensure that anybody will be able to maintain a Lightning node and stack STX via.
Users will earn Sats via the Lightning Network by Stacking STX. Transferred directly into their mobile wallet - Stacks will enable Lightning payments in our everyday lives and Lightning payments will make Stacking more cost-effective. Integrating Stacks with Lightning represents an example of a useful combination of Blockchain-Technologies for a better user experience.
No matter how congested the mempool is - Lightning will enable close to 0% fee payouts. Furthermore, the community will get in touch with Lightning nodes and possibly maintain a routing node. What strengthens BTC will help Stacks as well.