Social Media Image Kit provides a framework to help generate social media images for collection entries using Antlers or Blade templates.
Social Media Image Kit provides the following features:
- Simple image management: Social Media Image Kit ships with a custom fieldtype, making it simple to manage generated social media images (or replace them with custom ones)
- Customizable templates and image sizes: generate an arbitrary number of images for a variety of platforms. Update the existing default template, or create specific collection or blueprint templates for maximum flexibility
- Battle-tested rendering: The default template renderer uses Spatie's amazing Browsershot packaging, making finding guidance on installing and configuring Puppeteer easier
- Automation and Queue support: Social Media Image Kit can be configured to generate images whenever someone changes an entry in the control panel. Generation can be dispatched to a queue, with advanced options for preventing duplicate jobs
- Assets and filesystem disks: Social Media Image Kit stores all images as asset. It can also be configured to use a custom filesystem disk to easily store images locally, on AWS S3, or any other supported storage provider.
- And a whole lot more!
Documentation for Social Media Image Kit can be found online at
Social Media Image Kit is open-source software, released under the GPL-3.0 license.