This is the publicly accessible front-end the Kenyan MFL v2.
The project's structure has been derived from ng-boilerplate
|- coverage/ # contains coverage output
|- build/ # contains output of the build process, used to serve files in development
|- bin/ # contains output of the compile process, used to serve files in production
|- karma/ # contains configuration for karma
| |- karma-unit.tpl.js
|- src/ # contains the source code of the application
| |- app/ # contains the source code of the angular app and app-specific code
| | |- app1 # a single app
| | | |- tpls # contains app1's templates/partials
| | | | |- app1.tpl.html
| | | | |- app2.tpl.html
| | | |- tests # contains app1's tests
| | | | |- module.spec.js
| | | | |- routes.spec.js
| | | | |- controllers.spec.js
| | | |- module.js # contains app1's module definition
| | | |- routes.js # contains app1's states
| | | |- controllers.js # contains app1's controllers
| | | |- ...
| | |- app2
| | |- app3
| | |- ...
| |- assets/ # contains the application's assets
| | |- <static files>
| |- less/ # contains the application's less files
| | |- main.less
| |- settings.js # contains the application's 'environment' configuration
|- vendor/
|- .bowerrc
|- bower.json
|- build.config.js
|- changelog.tpl
|- circle.yml
|- .gitignore
|- .jshintrc
|- Gruntfile.js
|- module.prefix
|- module.suffix
|- package.json
All the commands in this section assume that the current working directory is the root of the project.
The project requires nodejs
to be installed in your system
First install npm and bower dependencies
$ npm install
The command shall install bower dependencies right after npm dependencies are installed.
If grunt or bower are not installed globally in your system or you want to use the ones installed by the project,
you may have to add the bin
directory in node_modules
to system PATH.
export PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH"
Run grunt connect:dev
to serve files. This server uses development only files.
To automatically build files after changes, run grunt watch
If you don't want to have automatic builds, run grunt build
to build files.
To see what is going to be used in production, run
$ grunt
$ grunt build
$ grunt compile
This will create the 'compiled' files in the bin
The files can then be served using
$ grunt connect:prod
Running tests is as easy as running
$ grunt test