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Unicums - NFT for italian artisans

Authos: [email protected]
Version: 0.1 Alpha Inspired: article

Next Step

  1. The Graph - Graphql query sdk for Blockchain data

Run ecosystem in localhost localnet

1. Run test node npx hardhat node

Import one of twenty generate wallet in Metamask (1000 EHT)

Deploy contract on chain and return Contract address npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network

Add address to config.js

Run app npm run dev

Start script

List of all avaible scripts:

Application scripts:

  1. npm run build - Build NextJs app
  2. npm run dev - Run NextJs app in development mode
  3. npm run test - Run test
  4. npm run start - Run NextJs build app
  5. npm run setup:local:testnet - Setup enviroment for local development on local testnet

Blockchain scripts:

  1. npx hardhat node - Start Polygon local blockchain

  2. npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network localhost - Deploy smart contract on current active network NB: Questo script può essere lanciato da node e non da "hardhat" come indicato nella loro doc Standalone scripts

    1. Installare npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers@npm:hardhat-deploy-ethers ethers
    2. Installare npm install --save-dev hardhat-deploy-ethers ethers3


For all definitions see 'scripts/types.d.ts' This script invoke file ./scripts/setup.ts with argument "--local", "--development" and "localnet", beacause same file will be used for production setup.

Static Type Binding

Vedere ROAM

  1. npm install --save-dev typechain @typechain/hardhat @typechain/ethers-v5 --force Sono dovuto andare di --force per problemi di dipendneze di alcuni tipi

  2. Creare un fle tsconfig dedicato Now typings should be automatically generated each time contract recompilation happens.

  3. npx hardhat clean- Clean cache

  4. Add plugin to Hardhat configuration:

module.exports = {
  typechain: {
    outDir: './typechain-types',
    target: 'ethers-v5',
    alwaysGenerateOverloads: false, // should overloads with full signatures like deposit(uint256) be generated always, even if there are no overloads?
    externalArtifacts: ['externalArtifacts/*.json'], // optional array of glob patterns with external artifacts to process (for example external libs from node_modules)
  1. Compile contract and generate Typescript types: npx hardhat compile inside previous declared folder "typechain-types"


This script set Local Polygn network, deploy contracts, set keys. Then we can start our React platform. This script have mandatory this command: `npm run setup:local:testnet local development testnet ?true"


  1. Network type: export type ChainEnv = "localnet" | "testnet" | "mainnet";
  2. Env host: export type HostEnv = "local" | "server";
  3. Node env: export type AppEnv = "test" | "development" | "production";

4. Reset Hardat: true o false

======== GITHUB ACITON FLOW ============

Ci sono due flow di automazione per le "Actions" di Github.

  1. development.yml - Lavora sulla branch "development"
  2. - Lavora sulla branch "main"


Operazioni della CI - due Job:

Job 1: test

  1. Parte quando c'è un push nella branch "development"
  2. Installa l'ambiente ubuntu-latest e testa solo su node-version: [14.x]
  3. use actions/checkout@v2 - Git checkout
  4. use actions/setup-node@v1 - Git setup node in ubuntu
  5. npm install npm run build npm run test - Non serve doppia &&, sono su due right nel file

Job 2: create-pull-request

  1. Dipende dal Job precedente (needs: [test]) e installa Ubuntu
  2. use actions/checkout@v2 - Git checkout
  3. use repo-sync/pull-request@v2 -
  4. Una serie di settings e token per impostare la Repo di destinazione del Merge

Operazioni della CI - due Job:

Job 1: test

  1. Parte quando c'è un push nella branch "development"
  2. Installa l'ambiente ubuntu-latest e testa solo su node-version: [14.x]
  3. use actions/checkout@v2 - Git checkout
  4. use actions/setup-node@v1 - Git setup node in ubuntu
  5. npm install npm run build npm run test - Non serve doppia &&, sono su due right nel file

Job 2: deploy

  1. uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master - Installa pacchetto SSH
  2. Imposto i dati (tramite secret di github) per la connesione SSH
  3. Eseguo del codice sulla macchina per fare deploy 3.1
cd /var/www/gioiellissimo-frontend/
git pull [email protected]:StefanoGagliardi/gioiellissimo-frontend.git
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source ~/.nvm/
npm install && npm run build && pm2 restart 12

Job 3: testRestart

  1. Installo ubuntu per usare la shell
  2. Faccio una chiamata curl al dominio per vedere se ripartito correttamente
sleep 2m
curl -I
curl -I