This repository is used to conduct the analysis for "Dynamics of B-cell repertoires and emergence of cross-reactive responses in COVID-19 patients with different disease severity." It investigates receptor compositions depending on disease severity, expansion of BCR clonal lineages over time, sharing of BCRs among individuals, and the emergence of cross-reactivity from a SARS-CoV-2 response to a SARS response.
Most dependences are listed in env.yml
You can set up a conda environment with
$ conda env create -f env.yml
and activate the new environment (including all dependencies) with
$ conda activate covid-bcr
Other necessary software includes:
processes the data with pRESTO.
Pairs of raw sequences are assembled and filtered with a QScore of 30, V primers are masked and the C primer is cut, and finally sequences are deduplicated. For example,
specifies the sample, e.g. -s S1-0
, and -afmc
will (a)ssemble the paired-end reads, (f)ilter sequences for quality, (m)ask primers, and (c)ollapse sequences.
Use scripts/
to annotate replicate, timepoint, severity, and patient information in headers and combine sample FASTAs into one larger FASTA for each patient.
This script takes in the directories where the data is stored and a directory to which the combined FASTAs will be saved.
python --dirs /PATH/TO/DIR1 /PATH/TO/DIR2 /PATH/TO/DIR3 \
--save_dir /PATH/TO/SAVE/DIR \
--bcellinfo /PATH/TO/INFO.csv
The output FASTAs will be called PATIENTID.fasta, where PATIENTID is an integer. B cell info files are found in the csvs
directory: csvs/plasma_b_cell_info.csv
and csvs/bulk_b_cell_info.csv
. These files are used to mark from which patient the sample came. If fastas are from plasma repertoires, toggle --plasma
abstar should have been installed when creating the conda environment. To annotate sequences, simply use
for each file or
to run abstar iteratively over all files in a directory.
Use scripts/
to error correct and filter sequences
create lineages
and create input for SONIA
See the code or Methods in Montague et al., Dynamics of B-cell repertoires and emergence of cross-reactive responses in COVID-19 patients with different disease severity for more details.
Use scripts/
to create the FASTA file used as input for IGoR.
python --infiles PATH/TO/LINEAGES/* --outfile PATH/TO/SAVE/IGOR_INPUT.fasta
Use scripts/
to create the .csv file used as input for the expansion analysis.
python --lineages PATH/TO/LINEAGE_FILE.json --outfile PATH/TO/SAVE/LINEAGE_COUNTS.csv
All genomic references and HCDR3 anchors for IGoR and SONIA are in igor_input/
and sonia_input/
. If you would like to prepare your own HCDR3 anchors and genomic references, use scripts/
python --indir igor_input
The output will also be in igor_input
Genomic references and HCDR3 anchors for IGoR are available in igor_input/
. Use scripts/
to make the IGoR model.
IGoR model output and HCDR3 anchors for SONIA are available in sonia_input/
To assemble all the individual patient data into cohorts quickly, cat
them together accordingly (e.g. cat 1_sonia_input.csv 2_sonia_input.csv 3_sonia_input.csv > healthy_sonia_input.csv
) and then delete the unnecessary header lines that are not the first line inside the resultant csv.
To create a SONIA model, execute
sonia-infer --set_custom_model_VDJ PATH/TO/SONIA_INPUT.csv --sonia_model leftright --epochs 150 \
--independent genes --seq_index 0 --v_mask_index 1 --j_mask_index 2 \
--infile PATH/TO/SONIA_INPUT.csv -o PATH/TO/SAVE/SONIA_MODEL --lines_to_skip 1 \
--n_gen_seqs 500000
If you want to add some determinism and replicability when creating a SONIA model, you can additionally use the --seed
option in sonia-infer
which will lead to SONIA models with nearly identical selection factors.
To generate sequences, execute
sonia-generate --set_custom_model_VDJ PATH/TO/SONIA_MODEL --sonia_model leftright --ppost \
--N NUM_SEQS_TO_GENERATE --delimiter_out , --outfile PATH/TO/SAVE/GENERATED_SEQS.csv
To evaluate sequences from data, execute
sonia-evaluate --set_custom_model_VDJ PATH/TO/SONIA_MODEL --sonia_model leftright --ppost \
--infile PATH/TO/SONIA_INPUT.csv --lines_to_skip 1 --delimiter_out , \
To evaluate generated sequences, execute
sonia-evaluate --set_custom_model_VDJ PATH/TO/SONIA_MODEL --sonia_model leftright --ppost \
--infile PATH/TO/INPUT.csv --delimiter_out , --outfile PATH/TO/SAVE/GEN_EVALUATIONS.csv
Use scripts/
to obtain statistics of gene usage, HCDR3 length, and insertion and deletion profiles of nonsingletons and progenitors in productive lineages.
python --infile PATH/TO/LINEAGES.json --outfile PATH/TO/SAVE/STATISTICS.json
For plotting these statistics and performing ANOVA (with boxplot visualizations), see notebooks/sequence_features_plotting.ipynb
. Methods to aid in plotting and performing statistical tests are in scripts/
See notebooks/R_expansion_analysis.ipynb
for the false positive rate analysis. See notebooks/sharing_null_hypothesis_bounds.nb
for obtaining bounds for sharing analysis. Otherwise, all analyses are conducted in notebooks/covid_dynamics.ipynb
Because we have only three healthy individuals, we supplement our healthy dataset using the Great Repertoire Project. Obtain the processed .json files from their associated locations using wget
, e.g.
These are big files, so we resort to shell scripting to wrangle the files a bit. We use only the first three biological replicates. Uncompressing a tarball file can be done using only one core; however, you can use multiple cores to uncompress multiple tarball files. For example,
for i in {1..3}; do srun -n 1 -c 1 tar -xf 316188_HNCHNBCXY_consensus_UID18-cdr3nt-90_json_071817.tar.gz consensus-cdr3nt-90_json/${i}_consensus.json & done
Because our analysis uses only IgG B cells, we select from the uncompressed tarballs only those B cells.
grep -h "IgG" 1_consensus.json 2_consensus.json 3_consensus.json > 316188_IgG.json
Further, we separate out the productive sequences and out-of-frame sequences.
grep '"prod": "yes", "junction_in_frame": "yes"' 316188_IgG.json > productive_316188_IgG.json
grep '"junction_in_frame": "no"' 316188_IgG.json > unproductive_316188_IgG.json
Finally, we use load the files and remove any sequences with N's or sequences missing D genes, create lineages, and obtain their statistics and wrangle the lineages for further processing.
- Montague et al., Dynamics of B-cell repertoires and emergence of cross-reactive responses in COVID-19 patients with different disease severity, (2020)
- Vander Heiden, J.A., Yaari, G., Uduman, M., Stern, J.N., O'Connor, K.C., Hafler, D.A., Vigneault, F., and Kleinstein, S.H. (2014). pRESTO: a toolkit for processing high-throughput sequencing raw reads of lymphocyte receptor repertoires. Bioinformatics 30, 1930-1932.
- Briney, B., and Burton, D.R. (2018). Massively scalable genetic analysis of antibody repertoires. bioRxiv 10.1101/447813, 447813.
- Marcou, Q., Mora, T., and Walczak, A.M. (2018). High-throughput immune repertoire analysis with IGoR. Nat Commun 9, 561.
- Sethna, Z., Isacchini, G., Dupic, T., Mora, T., Walczak, A.M., and Elhanati, Y. (2020). Population variability in the generation and thymic selection of T-cell repertoires. bioRxiv 10.1101/2020.01.08.899682, 2020.2001.2008.899682.
Any issues or questions should be addressed to me.
Free use of this analysis is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).