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claratsm authored Nov 22, 2023
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341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions notebooks/module4-genetics/M4-pop-genetics(Used)_2023.Rmd
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# Population Genetics and Diseases {#pop-genetics}

## Case study 1: Heritability and human traits

### Part 1

**Scenario:** You are a researcher working on a twin study on cardiovascular traits to assess the genetic and environmental contribution relevant to metabolism and cardiovascular disease risk. You have recruited a cohort of volunteer adult twins of the same ancestry. The volunteers have undergone a series of baseline clinical evaluations and performed genotyping on a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms that may be associated with the traits.

#### Questions for Discussion

**Q1.** Besides the clinical measurements, what data do you need to collect from the subjects?
<summary>**Answers:** </summary>
- Sex
- Age
- Other confounding factors, e.g. BMI, blood pressure, smoking status, etc.

**Q2.** How is genotype data represented for statistical genetic analysis?
<summary>**Answers:** </summary>
- Allele: 0/1, 1/2, A/C, etc
- Genotype: 0 0, 0 1, 1 0, 1 1
- Genotype probabilities: P(0/0)=0, P(0/1)=1, P(1/1)=0
- Genotype dosage: 0/1/2, 0.678 (continuous from 0-1 or 0-2)

**Q3.** How can you test for association between genotypes and phenotypes (binary and quantitative)?
<summary>**Answers:** </summary>
- Allelic chi-square test
- Fisher's exact test
- Linear/Logistic regression
- Linear mixed model

#### Hands-on exercise : Association test

Now, you are given a dataset of age- and sex-matched twin cohort with two cardiovascular phenotypes and 5 quantitative trait loci (QTL). Data set and template notebook are available on Moodle (recommended) and also on this
[GitHub Repo](

**The information for columns:**

- zygosity: 1 for monozygotic (MZ) and 2 for dizygotic (DZ) twin
- `T1QTL_A[1-5]` and `T2QTL_A[1-5]`: 5 quantitative loci (A1-A5) in additive coding for Twin 1 (T1) and Twin 2 (T2) respectively
- The same 5 QTL (D1-D5) in dominance coding for T1 and T2
- Phenotype scores of T1 and T2 for the two quantitative cardiovascular traits

**Download the data `dataTwin.dat` to your working directory.** Start the RStudio program and set the working directory.

```{r readDataR}
dataTwin <- read.table("dataTwin2023.dat",h=T)

**Exploratory analysis**

- A1-5: The QTLs are biallelic with two alleles A and a. The genotypes aa, Aa, and AA are coded additively as 0 (aa), 1 (Aa) and 2 (AA).
- D1-5: The genotypes aa, Aa, and AA are coded as 0 (aa), 1 (Aa) and 0 (AA).

**Q1.** How many MZ and DZ volunteers are there?

**Q2.** How are the genotypes represented?

**Q3.** Are the QTL independent of each other?

**Q4.** Are there outliers in phenotypes?

```{r genotypedataExploration, eval=F}
# Write your codes here
# Any outlier >4SD?
```{r genotypedataExplorationR, echo=F, eval=F}
table(dataTwin$zygosity) # Q1: shows number of MZ and DZ twin pairs
table(dataTwin$T1QTL_A1) # Q2: shows the distribution of QTL_A1
table(dataTwin$T1QTL_D1) # Q2: shows the distribution of QTL_D1
table(dataTwin$T1QTL_A1, dataTwin$T1QTL_D1) # Q2: shows the distribution of QTL_A1 in relation to QTL_D1
cor(dataTwin[,2:11]) # Q3: shows the correlation between QTL_As
apply(dataTwin[22:25],2,function(x){ any(x < (mean(x) - 4*sd(x))) }) # Q4: any outlier >4 SD from the mean for the two quantitative phenotypes

**Association test**

Test for association between QTL and pheno1 for T1

- Regress `pheno1_T1` on `T1QTL_A1` to estimate the proportion of variance explained (R2).
- Model: pheno1_T1 = b0 + b1* T1QTL_A1 + e
- Calculate the conditional mean of phenotype (i.e. phenotypic mean conditional genotype)

If the relationship between the QTL and the phenotype is perfectly linear, the regression line should pass through the conditional means (c_means), and the differences between the conditional means should
be about equal.

**Q5.** What are the values of b0, b1? Is QTL1 significant associated with the phenotype at alpha<0.01 (multiple testing of 5 loci)?

**Q6.** What is the proportion of phenotypic variance explained?

```{r lmA}
# Write your codes here
# compute the conditional mean (c_means)
# visualize the fitting
```{r lmAR, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
linA1 <- lm(pheno1_T1~T1QTL_A1, data=dataTwin)
summary(linA1)$r.squared # proportion of explained variance by additive component
c_means <- by(dataTwin$pheno1_T1,dataTwin$T1QTL_A1,mean)
plot(dataTwin$pheno1_T1 ~ dataTwin$T1QTL_A1, col='grey', ylim=c(3,7))
lines(c(0,1,2), c_means, type="p", col=6, lwd=8)
lines(sort(dataTwin$T1QTL_A1),sort(linA1$fitted.values), type='b', col="dark green", lwd=3)

To test this "linearity", we can use the dominance coding of the QTL and add the dominance term to the regression model.

- Model: pheno1_T1 = b0 + b1* T1QTL_A1 + b2* T1QTL_D1 + e
- Repeat for T2.

**Q7.** Why can't we analyse T1 and T2 together?

**Q8.** Is there a dominance effect?

```{r lmAD}
# Write your codes here
# visualize the fitting
```{r lmADR, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
linAD1 <- lm(pheno1_T1 ~ T1QTL_A1 + T1QTL_D1, data=dataTwin)
summary(linA1) # results lm(phenoT1~T1QTL_A1)
summary(linAD1) # results lm(phenoT1~T1QTL_A1+T1QTL_D1)
plot(dataTwin$pheno1_T1 ~ dataTwin$T1QTL_A1, col='grey', ylim=c(3,7))
abline(linA1, lwd=3)
lines(c(0,1,2), c_means, type='p', col=6, lwd=8)
lines(sort(dataTwin$T1QTL_A1),sort(linA1$fitted.values), type='b', col="dark green", lwd=3)
lines(sort(dataTwin$T1QTL_A1),sort(linAD1$fitted.values), type='b', col="blue", lwd=3)

**Q9.** Repeat for the other 4 QTL and determine which QTL shows strongest association with the phenotype T1
```{r lmAllQTL, eval=F}
# Write your codes here
```{r lmAllQTLR, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
allQTL_A_T1 <- 2:6
cpheno1_T1 <- which(colnames(dataTwin)=="pheno1_T1")
## Additive
cbind(lapply(allQTL_A_T1,function(x){ fstat<- summary(lm(pheno1_T1 ~ ., data=dataTwin[,c(x,cpheno1_T1)]))$fstatistic; pf(fstat[1],fstat[2],fstat[3],lower.tail = F) }))
## Dominance
cbind(lapply(allQTL_A_T1,function(x){ fstat<- summary(lm(pheno1_T1 ~ ., data=dataTwin[,c(x,x+10,cpheno1_T1)]))$fstatistic; pf(fstat[1],fstat[2],fstat[3],lower.tail = F) }))
#Q9: QTL3 shows the strongest association with P=7.771588e-25
linAD3 <- lm(pheno1_T1 ~ T1QTL_A3 + T1QTL_D3, data=dataTwin)
summary(linAD3) # results lm(phenoT1~T1QTL_A1+T1QTL_D1)

If the subjects with top 5% of the phenotype score are considered as cases, perform case-control association test for most significant SNP (from Q9) and interpret the result.

**Q10.** What are the odds ratio, p-value, and 95% confidence interval?

```{r logisticAD}
# odds ratio
# p-value
# 95% confidence interval?
```{r logisticADR, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
quant05 <- quantile(c(dataTwin$pheno1_T1,dataTwin$pheno1_T2),seq(0,1,0.05))
dataTwin$CaseT1 <- as.numeric(dataTwin$pheno1_T1>quant05[20])
dataTwin$CaseT2 <- as.numeric(dataTwin$pheno1_T2>quant05[20])
logisticAD1 <- summary(glm(CaseT1 ~ T1QTL_A3 + T1QTL_D3, data=dataTwin, family="binomial"))
exp(logisticAD1$coefficients[2,1]) # odds ratio
exp(logisticAD1$coefficients[2,1]-1.96*logisticAD1$coefficients[2,2]) # lower 95% confidence interval
exp(logisticAD1$coefficients[2,1]+1.96*logisticAD1$coefficients[2,2]) # upper 95% confidence interval

### Part 2

**Scenario:** You are asked to estimate the additive genetic variance, dominance genetic variance and/or shared environmental variance using regression-based method and a classical twin design.


\text{For ADE model : }~ & \sigma^{2}_{P} = \sigma^{2}_{A} + \sigma^{2}_{D} + \sigma^{2}_{E}\\

\text{For ACE model : }~ & \sigma^{2}_{P} = \sigma^{2}_{A} + \sigma^{2}_{C} + \sigma^{2}_{E}, \quad \text{where} \\

\sigma^{2}_{P} & \text{ is the phenotypic variance}, \\

\sigma^{2}_{A} & \text{ is additive genetic variance}, \\

\sigma^{2}_{D} & \text{ is dominance genetic variance}, \\

\sigma^{2}_{C} & \text{ is shared environmental variance, and} \\

\sigma^{2}_{E} & \text{ is unshared environmental variance.}


For ADE model,


cov(MZ) = cor(MZ) & = rMZ = \sigma^{2}_{A} + \sigma^{2}_{D} \\
cov(DZ) = cor(DZ) & = rDZ = 0.5 * \sigma^{2}_{A} + 0.25 * \sigma^{2}_{D} \quad \text{ , where} \\

the coefficients 1/2 and 1/4 are based on quantitative genetic theory (Mather & Jinks, 1971).

By solving the unknowns, the Falconer's equations for the ADE model:


\sigma^{2}_{A} & = 4*rDZ - rMZ \\

\sigma^{2}_{D} & = 2*rMZ - 4*rDZ \\
\sigma^{2}_{E} & = 1 - \sigma^{2}_{A} - \sigma^{2}_{D} \\


For ACE model,


cov(MZ) = cor(MZ) & = rMZ= \sigma^{2}_{A} + \sigma^{2}_{C} \\
cov(DZ) = cor(DZ) & = rDZ = 0.5 * \sigma^{2}_{A} + \sigma^{2}_{C} \quad \text{ , where} \\


By solving the unknowns, the Falconer's equations for the ACE model:


\sigma^{2}_{A} & = 2*(rMZ - rDZ) \\
\sigma^{2}_{C} & = 2*rDZ - rMZ \\
\sigma^{2}_{E} & = 1 - \sigma^{2}_{A} - \sigma^{2}_{C} = 1 - rMZ


#### Questions for discussions :

**Q1.** What is missing heritability of common traits in the era of genome-wide association analysis (GWAS)?

**Q2.** What are the potential sources of missing heritability?

* Suggested reading:
* Manolio TA, Collins FS, Cox NJ, et al. Finding the missing heritability of complex diseases. Nature. 2009 ;461(7265):747-753. doi:10.1038/nature08494

#### Hands-on exercise : variance explained using regression-based method

**Q1.** What is the variance of the phenotype?

**Q2.** Compute the explained variance attributable to the additive genetic component of the QTL with strongest association in Part 1.

**Q3.** Compute the explained variance attributable to the dominance genetic component of the QTL with strongest association in Part 1.

R2 from the regression represents the proportion of phenotypic variance explained; thus the raw explained variance component is R2 times the variance of the phenotype (var_pheno).

<summary>**Example for T1 on QTL1** </summary>
* The proportion of explained variance are 0.02732 (additive) and 0.03658 (total: additive + dominance).
* As the predictors are uncorrelated, the proportion of explained variance by dominance = 0.03658 - 0.02732 = 0.00926
* Given the phenotypic variance of 15.102, then
* Total genetic: 0.03658*15.102 = 0.552
* Additive genetic: 0.02732*15.102 = 0.412
* Dominance genetic: 0.00926*15.102 = 0.140
```{r varianceR, eval=F}
var(dataTwin$pheno1_T1) # the variance of the phenotype
summary(linAD1)$r.squared # proportion of explained variance by total genetic component
summary(linA1)$r.squared # proportion of explained variance by additive component
summary(linAD1)$r.squared*var_pheno # (raw) variance component of total genetic component
summary(linA1)$r.squared*var_pheno # (raw) variance component of additive genetic component
(summary(linAD1)$r.squared-summary(linA1)$r.squared)*var_pheno # (raw) variance component of dominance genetic component
**Q4.** Estimate the variance explained by all the QTL using linear regression.

```{r varianceAllQTLR, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
# compute for all 5 QTL
linAD5=(lm(pheno1_T1 ~ T1QTL_A1 + T1QTL_A2 + T1QTL_A3 + T1QTL_A4 + T1QTL_A5 +
T1QTL_D1 + T1QTL_D2 + T1QTL_D3 + T1QTL_D4 + T1QTL_D5,
summary(linAD5)$r.squared # proportion of explained variance by total genetic component
summary(linAD5)$r.squared*var_pheno # (raw) variance component of total genetic component

#### Hands-on exercise : variance explained using a classical twin design.

Based on our regression results, we have estimates of the total genetic variance as well as the A and D components for phenotype 1. In practice, it is impossible to know all the variants associated with any polygenic trait.

Given `rMZ > 2*rDZ`, we can use Falconer's formula based on ADE model to estimate the A (additive genetic) and D (dominance) variance with the classical twin design for phenotype 1 without genotypes.

**Q5.** Compute rMZ and rDZ.

**Q6.** Estimate the proportion of additive and dominance genetic variances using the Falconer's equations for the ADE model.

```{r FalconerADE, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
dataMZ = dataTwin[dataTwin$zygosity==1, c('pheno1_T1', 'pheno1_T2')] # MZ data frame
dataDZ = dataTwin[dataTwin$zygosity==2, c('pheno1_T1', 'pheno1_T2')] # DZ data frame
rMZ=cor(dataMZ)[2,1] # element 2,1 in the MZ correlation matrix
rDZ=cor(dataDZ)[2,1] # element 2,1 in the DZ correlation matrix
sA2 = 4*rDZ - rMZ
sD2 = 2*rMZ - 4*rDZ
sE2 = 1 - sA2 - sD2
print(c(sA2, sD2, sE2))

Similarly, for phenotype 2, we can estimate the proportion of additive and/or dominance genetic variances as well as shared environmental variance using the Falconer's formula.

**Q7.** Which model (ACE or ADE) should be considered for phenotype 2?

**Q8.** Estimate the proportion of A, C/D and E variance components for phenotype 2.

```{r FalconerACE, echo=FALSE, eval=F}
dataMZ = dataTwin[dataTwin$zygosity==1, c('pheno2_T1', 'pheno2_T2')] # MZ data frame
dataDZ = dataTwin[dataTwin$zygosity==2, c('pheno2_T1', 'pheno2_T2')] # DZ data frame
rMZ=cor(dataMZ)[2,1] # element 2,1 in the MZ correlation matrix
rDZ=cor(dataDZ)[2,1] # element 2,1 in the DZ correlation matrix
sA2 = 2*(rMZ - rDZ)
sC2 = 2*rDZ - rMZ
sE2 = 1 - rMZ
print(c(sA2, sC2, sE2))

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