A list of awesome things related to Moleculer microservices framework
- Resources
- Examples
- Templates
- Services
- Middlewares
- Mixins
- Tools
- Polyglot Implementations
- Projects Using Moleculer
- Core Cheatsheets - Cheatsheet for Moleculer's core functionalities.
- Web Gateway Cheatsheets - Cheatsheet for official gateway
- DB Cheatsheets - Cheatsheet for official DB adapters
- REPL Cheatsheets - Cheatsheet for official RELP tool
- CLI Cheatsheets - Cheatsheet for Moleculer's command-line interface (CLI)
- Moleculer v0.14 — Making Microservices Accessible for Everyone
- Bundle your Moleculer project into an executable
- 5 easy steps to create your REST microservice in NodeJS
- What are microservices and how to create one with Node and Moleculer.js
- Moleculer — deployment thoughts
- Знакомимся с микросервисным фреймворком Moleculer - [The article is in Russian]
- Building microservices architecture with Node.js and Moleculer
- Moleculer First Project
- Moleculer Routing
- Moleculer Mixins
- Control as a Service - A Microservice Approach to Industry 4.0
- Scaling Electron.js application with Microservices
- MoleculerJS Is Your NodeJS Framework For Microservices
- Get Started with Moleculer microservices framework
- Develop Ecommerce features using Microservice architecture
- Escribiendo microservicios con Moleculer - [The article is in Spanish]
- Moleculer Life Cycle - by Sasha Laventhan in Cyber Memos
- Moleculer Microservice Example - by Sasha Laventhan in Cyber Memos
- How to host Moleculer in Firebase
- Microservices 4 Real - Martín Acosta - Talk in Spanish from the JSDayUY 2017 about how a developer that used to work on monolithic apps started to learn and create a complete production app using a microservices architecture on top of Moleculer. repo
- An Introduction to Moleculer JS - Video tutorial explaining Moleculer's core concepts and template project
- Обзор MoleculerJS - The video is in Russian
- Microsserviços - Atualizando seu legado de maneira progressiva - The video is in Portuguese
- Introdução ao MoleculerJS - The video is in Portuguese
- Moleculer JS tutorial
- Conduit - Moleculer + Moleculer Web + Moleculer-DB + MongoDB + JWT + Redis Cacher + Docker
- Blog - Moleculer + ExpressJS + Pug + Moleculer-DB + Mongoose + NATS + Redis Cacher + Traefik
- Kantab - A Kanban board application - Moleculer + Moleculer Web + Full authentication + ACL/RBAC + VueJS + VueX + Vue-router + Much much more
- Moleculer + Babel Example Starter
- moleculer-nextjs - Server-Side Rendering with Moleculer
- nestjs-moleculer - Moleculer Module For Nestjs Framework
- moleculer-docker-development - Simple development enviroment for moleculer with Docker
- moleculer-exploration - Simple microservices communicating via MoleculerJS.
- moleculer-mysql-template - Moleculer template for creating a secure web api, with a remote MySQL database, and a default account management.
- moleculerjs-boilerplate - A well-structured Moleculer JS Boilerplate with Typescript, CLI, Service Helpers, Swagger, Jest support and everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid projects.
- StretchShop - Fast & scalable e-business REST API backend based on Moleculer framework, which makes it easy to run as monolithic or microservices application.
- Catalyst - NodeJS Microservices Boilerplate - Typescript NodeJS Microservices Boilerplate with Generator CLI - Moleculer, GraphQL, REST, OAuth2, Jaeger, Grafana, Prometheus, Ory Hydra, Ory Keto w/ Access Control middleware, Moleculer-DB GraphQL mixin, Pug, Redis, sibling client repo (login, persistance layer, react-native-web, ios, android)
- Cards Against Formality - Cards Against Formality aims to be a web based clone of the popular card game "Cards against humanity". TypeScript + Kubernetes + Skaffold + authorization + scaled socket connections
- Simple project - Moleculer + Moleculer Web + Greeter service
- API routing example - Moleculer + Moleculer Web + Routing examples
- Moleculer DB example - Moleculer + Moleculer Web + Moleculer DB
- moleculer-template-project - Project template for Javascript project.
- moleculer-template-nano - Minimal project template for Javascript project.
- moleculer-template-addon - Addon template for moleculer-addons
- moleculer-template-module - Simple module template for moleculer-cli. Use it if you want to create a module for Moleculer
- moleculer-template-project-typescript - Project template for Typescript project.
- moleculer-template-nano-typescript - Minimal project template for Typescript project.
- moleculer-template-project-ts - Project template for typescript including decorators and more
- moleculer-web - Official API Gateway service.
- moleculer-apollo-server - Apollo GraphQL server for Moleculer.
- moleculer-graphql - GraphQL Schema stitching over a microservice network for co-located type definitions.
- moleculer-sc - API Gateway using SocketCluster
- moleculer-io - Socket.IO-based gateway
- moleculer-socketio - Manage Socket.IO events like actions in services
- hapi-moleculer - Hapi plugin for the Moleculer.
- moleculer-grpc-api - gRPC server for Moleculer.
- moleculer-db - A NeDB-based service to persist your data
- moleculer-db-adapter-mongo - A MongoDB-based service to persist your data
- moleculer-db-adapter-mongoose - A Mongoose-based service to persist your data
- moleculer-db-adapter-sequelize - A Sequelize-based service to persist your data
- moleculer-db-adapter-couchdb-nano - A CouchDB adapter for Moleculer using nano.js
- moleculer-db-adapter-typeorm - A TypeORM-based service to persist your data
- moleculer-db-adapter-dynamodb - A DynamoDB adapter for Moleculer DB service
- moleculer-gundb - A GunDB mixins for Moleculer DB service.
- moleculer-db-adapter-rethinkdb - A RethinkDB Moleculer service mixin.
- moleculer-db-adapter-macrometa - MacroMeta adapter for Moleculer DB service.
- moleculer-db-adapter-orientdb - Moleculer orientDB database adapter.
- moleculer-console-tracer - Console-based service
- moleculer-jaeger - Jaeger-based metrics service
- moleculer-prometheus - Prometheus-based metrics service
- moleculer-zipkin - Zipkin-based metrics service
- moleculer-elastic-apm - Elastic APM-based metrics service
- moleculer-sentry - Sentry-based error logging
- moleculer-fake - Fake data generator by Fakerator
- moleculer-mail - Email service based on Nodemailer
- moleculer-twilio - SMS service based on Twilio API
- moleculer-slack - Send Messages to Slack API
- moleculer-elasticsearch - Elasticsearch service for Moleculer.
- moleculer-flydrive - Storage manager service with Node Flydrive.
- moleculer-markdown - Markdown to HTML Service
- moleculer-typetalk - Send Messages to Typetalk
- moleculer-data-provider - React-Admin Data provider to interact with Moleculer Services APIs
- moleculer-protect-services - JWT protection for service actions
- imicros-auth - Authentication, Authorization and ACL services
- moleculer-antivirus - Service for ClamAV Antivirus Scanning
- moleculer-vault - Service for HashiCorp's Vault
- oauth-moleculer - OAuth2 Service
- moleculer-iam - Centralized IAM module for moleculer.
- imicros-flow - Service for loose coupled event handling
- serverless-moleculer - Serverless Framework handler for Moleculer
- moleculer-state-machine - State Machine mixin that extends a Moleculer Service to act as a finite-state machine.
- moleculer-minio - Service providing actions for managing buckets and objects in an AWS S3 or Minio powered backend
- moleculer-segment - Service for Segment
- moleculer-sharp - A Moleculer Service for Image Manipulation using sharp
- moleculer-cls - Hooked Continuation-Local Storage for Moleculer
- moleculer-insee-sirene - Service for INSEE Sirene API. An API with info about all French companies
- moleculer-http-client - HTTP client mixin that allows Moleculer services to communicate with remote REST APIs
- moleculer-axios - Axios based HTTP client for Moleculer services
- moleculer-browser - Moleculer for the browser.
- moleculer-stripe - Service for Stripe
- node-red-contrib-moleculer - Node Red client for Moleculer with events, emit, call, request and response support.
- moleculer-pdf - A Puppeteer-based Moleculer service that generates PDF from HTML.
- Inter-namespace - This middleware can connect to other namespaces.
- Saga middleware PoC - Proof of Concept of SAGA pattern.
- Health-check middleware - Health-check middleware for Moleculer (for Kubernetes liveness readiness checks)
- moleculer-middleware-permissions - A middleware solution to validate permissions of a request.
- moleculer-keto - Ory Keto Middleware and Mixin for an extensible permissions layer. NPM
- moleculer-middleware-permissions - A database integrator for injecting a transaction safe database session into the context of the action.
- Memoize mixin for Moleculer services methods - Caching for Moleculer service methods
- DB handler mixin for Moleculer DB - Swap easily between MongoDB for development & production and NeDB for unit testing
- Cache cleaner - Cache cleaner mixin for Moleculer DB service
- moleculer-bee-queue - Task queue mixin for Bee-Queue
- moleculer-bull - Task queue mixin for Bull
- moleculer-faktory - Task queue mixin for Faktory
- moleculer-cron - Cron mixin Node-Cron
- moleculer-amqp-queue - Task queue mixin for AMQP
- moleculer-bullmq - Task queue mixin for BullMq
- fastest-validator - Moleculer's default validator is based on fastest-validator
- Joi - Joi based validator
- moleculer-json-schema-validator - JSON Schema validator
- ts-transformer-json-schema - Use Typescript Intefraces as validator.
- moleculer-postgraphile - Postgraphile Create postgraphile service for automatically detects tables, columns, indexes, relationships, views, types, functions, comments, and more.
- moleculer-db-graphql - Complementary mixin which provides a graphql schema that matches those exposed my moleculer-db. NPM
- moleculer-repl - Interactive developer console.
- moleculer-cli - Command-Line Tool for development & testing.
- moleculer-decorators - ES7/TS decorators for Service declaration.
- moleculer-service-decorators - ES7/TS decorators for Service declaration.
- moleculer-ts - TypeScript service actions/events types generator.
- moleculer-service-ts - Typescript support for moleculer service actions and events.
- moldock - A CLI tool to deconstruct moleculer projects into their own dependant projects, to be able to dockerize them individually.
- fastest-validator-decorators - Typescript decorators for the fastest-validator library.
- moleculer-snippets - vscode extension for inserting moleculerjs code snippets
- moleculer-auto-openapi - Auto generate OpenAPI (Swagger) scheme for Moleculer services.
- moleculer-java - Java implementation of the Moleculer microservices framework.
- moleculer-python - Python implementation of the Moleculer microservices framework.
- moleculer-client - Simple Client to communicate with Moleculer services using NATS.
- moleculer-net - NET Core 2.1 implementation of the Moleculer microservices framework.
- moleculer-go - Go implementation of the Moleculer microservices framework.
- moleculer-ruby - Ruby implementation of the Moleculer framework.
- Concierge Auctions
- ingenious
- Zaoblako
- Altcoin mining pools
- zebbra
- Uiza
- Distopik
- SmartTones Media
- Textalk
- GetTechDone
- Jarvify
- Sonda
- Wino
- YourSoft.run
- Instarem
- Ghost
- Qoala
- Koodoo
- Vakavic
- HunterCo
- StretchShop
- CodeYard
- Shareworks
- MultiRoad
- Innovation INCUBATOR
- Wiredelta
- Hangar
- Autodrop3d
- Desarrollo e Innovacion Rancagua
- Reguity Group
- Pankod
- e-PlanSoft
- Делимобиль
- Cryptonoid
- Workpuls
- Motivac
- TuntsCorp
- AdmitKard
- Integrity
- TinkerLink
- eDoctor
- SmartFocus
- SwissDevJobs
- Akay Tour
- Соната
- Cards Against Formality
- Doubtnut
- 2Labs Technology
- Prabandhak
- FairManager
- Zimpligital
- Gurucan
- Knawat
- Q-net
- Elibot
- Rocketo
- messagehub
- Kaan Technologies
- codewave
- Substring
- seabex
- Genesys
- servereye
- hugo
- Adscook
- Qwip
- BerarkRays
- Teachoo
Copyright (c) 2016-2020 MoleculerJS