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Miro Olma edited this page Oct 20, 2017 · 1 revision



Gulp Task Overview


  • Linting with ESLint rules.
  • Converting browser-compatible Javascript with Babel.
  • Uglifyed
  • Minifyed
  • Copy to Resources/Public folder
  • Sync Delete function


  • Linting with Stylelint rules
  • Automaticstyle formatting with stylefmt. It's a tool that automatically formats CSS according to stylelint rules.
  • Converting SASS to CSS
  • Cleaning Styles
  • Autoprefixer
  • Adding Sourcemapp
  • Minifyed
  • Sync delete function
  • Copy to Resources/Public folder


  • Imagemin JPG
  • Imagemin SVG
  • Imagemin PNG
  • Imagemin GIF
  • Copy to Resources/Public folder
  • Sync delete function


  • Plugin: Wordcount (with dependency: Notification)
  • Copy to Resources/Public/CKEditor folder
  • Sync delete function


  • Bootstrap fonts
  • Copy to Resources/Public/Fonts folder
  • Sync delete function


  • Just a Copy and Paste folder for anything that has no place to be
  • Copy to Resources/Public/Misc folder
  • Sync delete function

Structure overview

Build   |
	  	- Assets | following getting synced to Resources/Public
	  	 		 - CKEditor
	  	 		 - Fonts
	  	 		 - Images
	  	 		 - Javascript
	  	 		 - Misc
	  	 		 - Scss 
     	- Gulp   | Main Gulp Task 
      			 - task:ckeditor
     			 - task:clean
     			 - task:fonts
     			 - task:images
     			 - task:misc
     			 - task:scripts
     			 - task:styles



It is possible to generate a custom Modernizr JavaScript file.

In package.json its possible to activate the Gulp-Task in "config -> modernizr -> active".

Set active to true and define the wanted features in the "addFeatures" object. Dont forget to link the generated file from Resources/Public/JavaScript/ folder in your Typoscript.

"modernizr": {
  "active": false,
  "settings": {
    "quiet": true,
    "cssPrefix": "",
    "addFeatures": [
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