Tests removed from the public code.
Documentation meta files removed.
Welcome widget updated.
Share image by link added.
Editor scripts moved to SA.CrossPlatform.Editor namespace.
Playmaker actions updated.
UM_Permission request fix.
Unity 2020 warning fixes.
Foundation package added.
Advertisement SetUsetId method added.
Unity Ads client is now an addon.
Code convention fixes for iOS Part.
Editor scripts placed under SA.Android.Editor namespace.
Enforce EDM4U Dependency added. updated to 2.2.1
Native libs installation reworked.
capManager.AddSignInWithApple fix.
AddSignInWithApple post-processing update.
ISN_AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions marked as flag.
ISN_NSNotificationCenter.AddObserverForName fix
The media picker view controller added.
Default leaderboards API.
ISN_UIWheelPickerController, it seems that the flexible space fix.
Unity 2018 resolvers fix
Native libraries refactor.
You can’t perform that action at this time.