This is a wrapper to execute OpenScenarios with the CARLA scenario runner via ROS.
It is best used from within the rviz_carla_plugin.
Please follow the scenario runner Getting Started and verify, that scenario_runner is working, if started manually.
Additionally, please execute:
sudo apt install python-pexpect
The environment variables are forwarded to scenario_runner, therefore set them to:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path_to_carla>/PythonAPI/carla-<carla_version_and_arch>.egg:<path_to_carla>/PythonAPI/carla/
To run the ROS node:
roslaunch carla_ros_scenario_runner carla_ros_scenario_runner.launch scenario_runner_path:=<path_to_scenario_runner>
To run a scenario from commandline:
rosservice call /scenario_runner/execute_scenario "{ 'scenario': { 'scenario_file': '<full_path_to_openscenario_file>', 'target_speed': 10.0, 'destination': { 'position': { 'x': 10, 'y': 10, 'z':0 } } } }"
Service | Description | Type |
/scenario_runner/execute_scenario |
Execute a scenario. If another scenario is currently running, it gets stopped. | carla_ros_scenario_runner_types.ExecuteScenario |
Topic | Description | Type |
/carla/<ROLE_NAME>/target_speed |
The ego vehicle target speed | std_msgs.Float64 |
/carla/<ROLE_NAME>/goal |
The ego vehicle destination (e.g. used by carla_waypoint_publisher) | geometry_msgs.PoseStamped |
/scenario_runner/status |
The current status of the scenario runner execution (e.g. used by the rviz_carla_plugin) | carla_ros_scenario_runner_types.CarlaScenarioRunnerStatus |