Allow your application to be configure by a remote server
RCPreference is a library similar to SharePreference but where any value can be set by a remote server from a JSON.
From example you can set a default value to the key "my_test_key" but which can be automatically changed by a server side when you want.
This system support also a muli-level key.
RCPreference is an Android Library but it can be used also as a .jar.
You can used it like the SharePreference. Becarefull, with the multi-level key, the order of your default value and the key is invert.
An example of JSON can be found from this page :
date_time: "2013-01-06 16:39:06",
tst_int: 88,
tst_string: "I'm your test value",
tst_boolean: true,
tst_null: null,
tst_tab: {
tst_sub_string: "I'm a child",
tst_sub_tab: {
test_sub_sub_string: "I'm a child of your child"
tst_float: 3.14
From you're code you can get a value from :
// get a remote preference
RCPreference rcp = RCPreference.getRCPreference(this);
// get the value of time
String dateTime1 = rcp.getString("No value", "date_time"); // "No value" is the default value
// get the sub sub value of a string
String test1 = rcp.getString("No value", "tst_tab", "tst_sub_tab", "test_sub_sub_string");
You just have to launch your download from your code by calling:
RCPreference.downloadFromUrl(this, "", true);
With the last parameters, set to "true" in this example, you choose to apply the preferences downloaded when you call: