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Data Schema

Dan D edited this page Nov 3, 2019 · 6 revisions

Data Schema

The database can store these entities and the attributes associated with them. Required fields and other notes are also noted.


The database allows a Participant to have zero or more Child records The database allows a Participant to be associated with zero or more Programs

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations Notes
first_name string (100 characters) Y -
last_name string (100 characters) Y -
dob date Y -
gender pre-defined list (enum) Y - may be: male, female, other
ethnicity pre-defined list (enum) N - may be: White, Hispanic, Black, Asian or Pacific Islander, Native American or Alaskan Native, Other
email string (255 characters) N -
phone string (255 characters) N -
county string (255 characters) N -
line_1 string (255 characters) N -
line_2 string (255 characters) N -
city string (255 characters) N -
state string (255 characters) N -
zip string (100 characters) N -
ok_to_text yes/no Y - default 'false'
last_grade_completed pre-defined list (enum) N - may be: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
employment_status pre-defined list (enum) N - may be: employed, unemployed
number_of_children integer N -
annual_income decimal N -
additional_services long text N - other programs participant receives
referrer long text N - agency/individual who referred participant/contact info
status pre-defined list (enum) Y - may be: applicant (default), participant
enrollment_date date N -
exit_date date N -
service_interest string (512 characters) N - list of services applicant is interested in when they sign up on web form


The database requires a child to have one associated Participant

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations Notes
participant_id foreign key Y - Ties Child record to a Participant record
first_name string (100 characters) Y -
last_name string (100 characters) Y -
dob date Y -
gender pre-defined list (enum) Y - may be: male, female, other, unknown
email string (255 characters) N -
phone string (255 characters) N -
county string (255 characters) N -
line_1 string (255 characters) N -
line_2 string (255 characters) N -
city string (255 characters) N -
state string (255 characters) N -
zip string (100 characters) N -
care_info string (255 characters) N - Notes about child care, school, etc.
notes long text N - Multi-purpose notes about child
dad_involved yes/no Y - default 'false'
cps_involvement yes/no Y -


The database allows a Volunteer to have zero or more Time Entry records

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations Notes
first_name string (255 characters) Y -
last_name string (255 characters) Y -
dob date Y -
gender pre-defined list (enum) Y - may be: male, female, other, unknown (default)
email string (255 characters) Y -
phone string (255 characters) Y -
county string (255 characters) N -
line_1 string (255 characters) N -
line_2 string (255 characters) N -
city string (255 characters) N -
state string (255 characters) N -
zip string (255 characters) N -
start_date date N -
active yes/no Y - default 'false'
background_check yes/no Y - default 'false'
ethnicity pre-defined list (enum) Y - may be: White, Hispanic, Black, Asian or Pacific Islander, Native American or Alaskan Native, Other (default)
ok_to_text yes/no Y - If volunteer would like to get promotional emails (default 'true')

Time Entry

The database requires a Time Entry to have one associated Volunteer

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations Notes
volunteer_id foreign key Y - Ties a Time Entry to a Volunteer
date date Y -
duration_hours decimal Y -
description string (255 characters) Y - Description of volunteer service


The database allows Programs to be associated with zero or more Participants

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations
name string (255 characters) Y -


This database entity tracks the many-to-many relationship between a Participants and Programs

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations
participant_id foreign key Y -
program_id foreign key Y -


The database allows a Donor to have zero or more Donation records

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations Notes
first_name string (255 characters) Y -
last_name string (255 characters) Y -
email string (255 characters) Y -
phone string (255 characters) Y -
county string (255 characters) N -
line_1 string (255 characters) N -
line_2 string (255 characters) N -
city string (255 characters) N -
state string (255 characters) N -
zip string (255 characters) N -


The database requires a Donation to have one associated Donor

Attribute Name Data Type Required? Validations Notes
donation_type pre-defined list (enum) Y - may be: one_time, recurring
in_kind yes/no Y - default 'false'
amount decimal Y -