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Packaging files for Debian or Ubuntu releases

This is a set of scripts which will create Debian packages of the software which is required to run SpineCreator successfully.

These are, at present:

SpineCreator itself, which is a user interface allowing the creation of a SpineML neural network model.

BRAHMS - one possible simulation backend which can be used to execute the components of the SpineML neural network model (as well as many other systems).

SpineML-2-BRAHMS - Some scripts which take the SpineML output of SpineCreator and generate and compile C++ code which forms the components which BRAHMS executes.

SpineML_PreFlight - Code to pre-parse a SpineML model so that it is ready for SpineML_2_BRAHMS or any other simulation backend.

Running the scripts

To run the scripts, you need to have set up local package dependencies, with this in /etc/pbuilderrc:

# How to include local packages in the build:
OTHERMIRROR="deb [trusted=yes] file:///var/cache/pbuilder/localdeps ./"
# the hook dir may already be set/populated!
# this is necessary for running ''apt-ftparchive'' in the hook below

And this in /var/cache/pbuilder/hookd:

s@host:~$ cat /var/cache/pbuilder/hookd/D05deps 
echo "D05deps script"
(cd /var/cache/pbuilder/localdeps; apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages)
apt-get update

This has to be included BEFORE the base.tgz files are built.

You have to create the Packages file too:

sudo touch /var/cache/pbuilder/localdeps/Packages

These scripts have been developed on Seb's laptop and are currently Seb-specific, meaning that if you want to run them, you'll have to review them to change from using Seb's signing keys to your own as well as other changes that I can't think of at the moment.

The scripts should checkout the SpineCreator, brahms, SpineML_PreFlight and SpineML_2_BRAHMS source code into src/ subdirectories

You can either run the scripts one by one, or use the scripts.

To use; cd into debian_packaging/brahms and run the script. You'll have to install a number of Debian developer packages, including pbuilder. Here are the packaging dependencies:

 sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake autotools-dev
                      dh-make debhelper devscripts fakeroot xutils
                      lintian pbuilder cdbs libsoap-lite-perl

Actually, some of these may not be strictly necessary on the host system. I believe debhelper only needs to be installed within the chroot in which pbuilder compiles the code.

Review the script first as it isn't going to work first time!

Packaging Debian on an Ubuntu system:

Creating the base.tgz is the trick. First, add the Debian keyring:

sudo apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

Then, be sure to add this to the pbuilder create call:

--debootstrapopts "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg"

So it might be:

sudo pbuilder --create --architecture amd64 --distribution jessie \
 --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/jessie-amd64-base.tgz \
 --debootstrapopts "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg"


Packaging files for Debian releases






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