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JoeZiminski committed Jul 1, 2024
1 parent 6b617ab commit 6c87d22
Showing 1 changed file with 319 additions and 0 deletions.
319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions src/spikeinterface/core/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,328 @@
import copy

import pytest
import numpy as np

from spikeinterface.core import generate_recording, generate_sorting
import spikeinterface.full as si

class TestTimeHandling:

# Fixtures #####
def raw_recording(self):
A three-segment raw recording without times added.
durations = [10, 15, 20]
recording = generate_recording(num_channels=4, durations=durations)
return recording

def time_vector_recording(self, raw_recording):
Add time vectors to the recording, returning the
raw recording, recording with time vectors added to
segments, and list a the time vectors added to the recording.
return self._get_time_vector_recording(raw_recording)

def t_start_recording(self, raw_recording):
Add a t_starts to the recording, returning the
raw recording, recording with t_starts added to segments,
and a list of the time vectors generated from adding the
t_start to the recording times.
return self._get_t_start_recording(raw_recording)

def _get_time_vector_recording(self, raw_recording):
Loop through all recording segments, adding a different time
vector to each segment. The time vector is the original times with
a t_start and irregularly spaced offsets to mimic irregularly
spaced timeseries data. Return the original recording,
recoridng with time vectors added and list including the added time vectors.
times_recording = copy.deepcopy(raw_recording)
all_time_vectors = []
for segment_index in range(raw_recording.get_num_segments()):

t_start = segment_index + 1 * 100
offsets = np.arange(times_recording.get_num_samples(segment_index)) * (
1 / times_recording.get_sampling_frequency()
time_vector = t_start + times_recording.get_times(segment_index) + offsets

times_recording.set_times(times=time_vector, segment_index=segment_index)

assert np.array_equal(
), "time_vector was not properly set during test setup"

return (raw_recording, times_recording, all_time_vectors)

def _get_t_start_recording(self, raw_recording):
For each segment in the recording, add a different `t_start`.
Return a list of time vectors generating from the recording times
+ the t_starts.
t_start_recording = copy.deepcopy(raw_recording)

all_t_starts = []
for segment_index in range(raw_recording.get_num_segments()):

t_start = (segment_index + 1) * 100

all_t_starts.append(t_start + t_start_recording.get_times(segment_index))
t_start_recording.set_times(times=t_start, segment_index=segment_index)

assert np.array_equal(
), "t_start was not properly set during test setup"

return (raw_recording, t_start_recording, all_t_starts)

def _get_fixture_data(self, request, fixture_name):
A convenience function to get the data from a fixture
based on the name. This is used to allow parameterising
tests across fixtures.
time_recording_fixture = request.getfixturevalue(fixture_name)
raw_recording, times_recording, all_times = time_recording_fixture
return (raw_recording, times_recording, all_times)

# Tests #####
def test_has_time_vector(self, time_vector_recording):
Test the `has_time_vector` function returns `False` before
a time vector is added and `True` afterwards.
raw_recording, times_recording, _ = time_vector_recording

for segment_idx in range(raw_recording.get_num_segments()):

assert raw_recording.has_time_vector(segment_idx) is False
assert times_recording.has_time_vector(segment_idx) is True

def test_get_durations(self, time_vector_recording, t_start_recording):
Test the `get_durations` functions that return the total duration
for a segment. Test that it is correct after adding both `t_start`
or `time_vector` to the recording.
raw_recording, tvector_recording, all_time_vectors = time_vector_recording
_, tstart_recording, all_t_starts = t_start_recording

ts = 1 / raw_recording.get_sampling_frequency()

all_raw_durations = []
all_vector_durations = []
for segment_index in range(raw_recording.get_num_segments()):

# Test before `t_start` and `t_start` (`t_start` is just an offset,
# should not affect duration).
raw_duration = all_t_starts[segment_index][-1] - all_t_starts[segment_index][0] + ts

assert np.isclose(raw_recording.get_duration(segment_index), raw_duration, rtol=0, atol=1e-8)
assert np.isclose(tstart_recording.get_duration(segment_index), raw_duration, rtol=0, atol=1e-8)

# Test the duration from the time vector.
vector_duration = all_time_vectors[segment_index][-1] - all_time_vectors[segment_index][0] + ts

assert tvector_recording.get_duration(segment_index) == vector_duration


# Finally test the total recording duration
assert np.isclose(tstart_recording.get_total_duration(), sum(all_raw_durations), rtol=0, atol=1e-8)
assert np.isclose(tvector_recording.get_total_duration(), sum(all_vector_durations), rtol=0, atol=1e-8)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["binary", "zarr"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["time_vector_recording", "t_start_recording"])
def test_times_propagated_to_save_folder(self, request, fixture_name, mode, tmp_path):
Test `t_start` or `time_vector` is propagated to a saved recording,
by saving, reloading, and checking times are correct.
_, times_recording, all_times = self._get_fixture_data(request, fixture_name)

folder_name = "recording"
recording_cache =, folder=tmp_path / folder_name)

if mode == "zarr":
folder_name += ".zarr"
recording_load = si.load_extractor(tmp_path / folder_name)

self._check_times_match(recording_cache, all_times)
self._check_times_match(recording_load, all_times)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["time_vector_recording", "t_start_recording"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sharedmem", [True, False])
def test_times_propagated_to_save_memory(self, request, fixture_name, sharedmem):
Test t_start and time_vector are propagated to recording saved into memory.
_, times_recording, all_times = self._get_fixture_data(request, fixture_name)

recording_load ="memory", sharedmem=sharedmem)

self._check_times_match(recording_load, all_times)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["time_vector_recording", "t_start_recording"])
def test_time_propagated_to_select_segments(self, request, fixture_name):
Test that when `recording.select_segments()` is used, the times
are propagated to the new recoridng object.
_, times_recording, all_times = self._get_fixture_data(request, fixture_name)

for segment_index in range(times_recording.get_num_segments()):
segment = times_recording.select_segments(segment_index)
assert np.array_equal(segment.get_times(), all_times[segment_index])

@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["time_vector_recording", "t_start_recording"])
def test_times_propagated_to_sorting(self, request, fixture_name):
Check that when attached to a sorting object, the times are propagated
to the object. This means that all spike times should respect the
`t_start` or `time_vector` added.
raw_recording, times_recording, all_times = self._get_fixture_data(request, fixture_name)
sorting = self._get_sorting_with_recording_attached(
recording_for_durations=raw_recording, recording_to_attach=times_recording
for segment_index in range(raw_recording.get_num_segments()):

if fixture_name == "time_vector_recording":
assert sorting.has_time_vector(segment_index=segment_index)

self._check_spike_times_are_correct(sorting, times_recording, segment_index)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["time_vector_recording", "t_start_recording"])
def test_time_sample_converters(self, request, fixture_name):
Test the `recording.sample_time_to_index` and
`recording.time_to_sample_index` convenience functions.
raw_recording, times_recording, all_times = self._get_fixture_data(request, fixture_name)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
assert "Provide 'segment_index'" in str(e)

for segment_index in range(times_recording.get_num_segments()):

sample_index = np.random.randint(low=0, high=times_recording.get_num_samples(segment_index))
time_ = times_recording.sample_index_to_time(sample_index, segment_index=segment_index)

assert time_ == all_times[segment_index][sample_index]

new_sample_index = times_recording.time_to_sample_index(time_, segment_index=segment_index)

assert new_sample_index == sample_index

@pytest.mark.parametrize("time_type", ["time_vector", "t_start"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bounds", ["start", "middle", "end"])
def test_slice_recording(self, time_type, bounds):
Test after `frame_slice` and `time_slice` a recording or
sorting (for `frame_slice`), the recording times are
correct with respect to the set `t_start` or `time_vector`.
raw_recording = generate_recording(num_channels=4, durations=[10])

if time_type == "time_vector":
raw_recording, times_recording, all_times = self._get_time_vector_recording(raw_recording)
raw_recording, times_recording, all_times = self._get_t_start_recording(raw_recording)

sorting = self._get_sorting_with_recording_attached(
recording_for_durations=raw_recording, recording_to_attach=times_recording

# Take some different times, including min and max bounds of
# the recording, and some arbitaray times in the middle (20% and 80%).
if bounds == "start":
start_frame = 0
end_frame = int(times_recording.get_num_samples(0) * 0.8)
elif bounds == "end":
start_frame = int(times_recording.get_num_samples(0) * 0.2)
end_frame = times_recording.get_num_samples(0) - 1
elif bounds == "middle":
start_frame = int(times_recording.get_num_samples(0) * 0.2)
end_frame = int(times_recording.get_num_samples(0) * 0.8)

# Slice the recording and get the new times are correct
rec_frame_slice = times_recording.frame_slice(start_frame=start_frame, end_frame=end_frame)
sort_frame_slice = sorting.frame_slice(start_frame=start_frame, end_frame=end_frame)

assert np.allclose(rec_frame_slice.get_times(0), all_times[0][start_frame:end_frame], rtol=0, atol=1e-8)

self._check_spike_times_are_correct(sort_frame_slice, rec_frame_slice, segment_index=0)

# Test `time_slice`
start_time = times_recording.sample_index_to_time(start_frame)
end_time = times_recording.sample_index_to_time(end_frame)

rec_slice = times_recording.time_slice(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)

assert np.allclose(rec_slice.get_times(0), all_times[0][start_frame:end_frame], rtol=0, atol=1e-8)

# Helpers ####
def _check_times_match(self, recording, all_times):
For every segment in a recording, check the `get_times()`
match the expected times in the list of time vectors, `all_times`.
for segment_index in range(recording.get_num_segments()):
assert np.array_equal(recording.get_times(segment_index), all_times[segment_index])

def _check_spike_times_are_correct(self, sorting, times_recording, segment_index):
For every unit in the `sorting`, for a particular segment, check that
the unit times match the times of the original recording as
retrieved with `get_times()`.
for unit_id in sorting.get_unit_ids():
spike_times = sorting.get_unit_spike_train(unit_id, segment_index=segment_index, return_times=True)
spike_indexes = sorting.get_unit_spike_train(unit_id, segment_index=segment_index)
rec_times = times_recording.get_times(segment_index=segment_index)

assert np.array_equal(

def _get_sorting_with_recording_attached(self, recording_for_durations, recording_to_attach):
Convenience function to create a sorting object with
a recording attached. Typically use the raw recordings
for the durations of which to make the sorter, as
the generate_sorter is not setup to handle the
(strange) edge case of the irregularly spaced
test time vectors.
durations = [
recording_for_durations.get_duration(idx) for idx in range(recording_for_durations.get_num_segments())

sorting = generate_sorting(num_units=10, durations=durations)

assert sorting.has_recording()

return sorting

# TODO: deprecate original implementations ###
def test_time_handling(create_cache_folder):
cache_folder = create_cache_folder
durations = [[10], [10, 5]]
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